A discussion by Melissa Ryan at MyDD about women in the Netroots.
Twisty Faster isn’t impressed with the BlogThing feminist quiz.
Feministing’s weekly feminist reader, including a link to the 42nd feminist blog carnival and a story about a technique doctors are using to get around the ban on so-called partial birth abortion (dilation & extraction.)
Feministing also pointed to Black and Missing but Not Forgotten, a blog that tracks missing person reports on women and girls whose absence would probably be a national uproar if they were white.
Shark-Fu muses on Elizabeth Edwards’ comments about John Edwards’ non-female and non-blackness.
If you strap people into lie detectors, gender-based differences in average numbers of sex partners goes away.
Brownfemipower on the high levels of violence directed against black women in Florida.
At this point, some of you are thinking “seven? four? Oh my god, I’m statistically such a slut!
Well, ya. That was what I was thinking.
Nothing in there about same-sex couplings, though. So I don’t really have a base-line for comparison.