This is a brief update to dada’s diary last week on the SPP: The SPP…ever heard of it?
During the protest at Montebello, three masked men carrying rocks attempted to disrupt the peaceful line of protest to instigate a confrontation w/ the riot police.
The peaceful and legitimate protesters told these men to move away from their line — they weren’t interested in any violence. The masked men looked very out of place, wouldn’t state who they were, refused to take off their masks when asked, pushed one of the peaceful protesters, and eventually forced their way through the line where they were handcuffed by the riot police.
Here’s the YouTube video, showing the confrontation:
After the incident was broadcast via YouTube, it was picked up by the media.
I listened to a report on CBC Radio on the drive home tonight, by Nick Gamache. He stated:
- The RCMP said the three men are not RCMP officers, however the Sûreté du Québec (spokeswoman’s name was Melanie — ) would not go so far as to say the three men weren’t police officers when asked directly. The Sûreté du Québec said they know who the men are, but refused to reveal their names to the media.
- Gamache then said he investigated the claim made in the YouTube video and news articles about the similarity between the boots of the three men with those of the police, and confirmed that the boots are in fact the same – Vibrant, 134AR model – which is a common boot used by police and firefighters.
- Gamache contacted retired police officers (names mentioned, but I wasn’t able to remember them) for their opinion on the three men, and all concluded that they did not act like normal protesters.
- NDP members Peter Julian and Libby Davies are calling for a public inquiry – they want confirmation and explanation of the use of agent provocateurs.
Initally, the Sûreté du Québec denied the use of agent provocateurs, but as more questions were raised and more people demanded answers, they have now revealed that these three were police officers.
From the, Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest:
Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que.
However, the police force denied allegations its undercover officers were there on Monday to provoke the crowd and instigate violence.
“At no time did the police of the Sûreté du Québec act as instigators or commit criminal acts,” the police force said in French in a news release. “It is not in the police force’s policies, nor in its strategies, to act in that manner.
“At all times, they responded within their mandate to keep order and security.”
Police said the three undercover officers were only at the protest to locate and identify non-peaceful protesters in order to prevent any incidents.
If you watch the video, it does NOT appear that they were attempting to maintain order and security.
I hope there will be more on who was involved in setting this up.
Update [2007-8-24 8:10:46 by olivia]: Here is the brief press release: La Sûreté du Québec précise certains faits concernant le Sommet de Montebello
Update [2007-8-25 1:16:55 by olivia]: Further outrage. A report from the posted Friday at 9:55 PM ET, Quebec police defend undercover officers, quotes Insp. Marcel Savard of the Quebec provincial police:
Savard acknowledged that one of the officers was given a rock by protesters but did not use it.
“One of the extremists gave the rock to one of our police officers and he had a choice to make,” Savard said. “He was asked by extremists to throw the rock at the police, but never had any intention of using it.” (emphasis mine)
Also quoted, is Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day, who states:
“The thing that was interesting in this particular incident, three people in question were spotted by protesters because were not engaging in violence,” Day said.
“They were being encouraged to throw rocks and they were not throwing rocks, it was the protesters who were throwing the rocks. That’s the irony of this.” (emphasis mine)
Yes, that’s right. They’re now claiming the protesters were throwing the rocks. This is not what is shown in the YouTube video, so if they have additional video evidence of this, they need to provide it. And Day is still refusing to call an inquiry.
[Note: Corrected the spelling of CBC reporter’s last name: Nick Gamache.]
… whether there was federal involvement in setting this up.
Had the wrong link.
Thanks Olivia. I watched the first link about 5 times and kept wondering what was I missing, I couldn’t see any masked men.
Thanks to you and dada for these posts too.
Tried to fix it before anyone saw it and got confused, but you’re too quick tonight … 🙂
Me quick? Hah, I guess I do have my moments. 🙂
Hi Olivia,
I watched the clip but didn’t see anything. What’d I miss and where?
Never mind, eh :o)
I was having a moment.
Hiya super … 🙂
I wouldn’t get too concerned, unless the moments start turning into hours ;o)
This shows how serious protesters understand that they can be infiltrated. Even still, these people are pretty sharp. It’s less than 30 seconds in when one guy with a red flag points out that the three are cops. The older , vocal guy is perfect in his persistance, calling for them to drop their masks. And you can see how tense the three are getting, especially the shorter one with the rocks. Even having been recognized and exposed, this looked like a real volatile few minutes. Good on those protestors for keeping a sharp eye out.
I’d be surprised if this wasn’t federally sanctioned. U.S. protestors and anti war groups have had this problem for many years with the FBI and CIA. My own Mother’s Quaker group was infiltrated by the FBI a couple of years ago. Now there’s a violent and subversive group, the Quakers :o)
I really have to wonder how far up the chain of command it goes.
Not only could this have turned into a very violent confrontation, but when people start being maced & clubbed, it stifles the legal right of dissent, by making people afraid to join in protests. It casts the peaceful protesters, in a violent radical light that is false. This should be investigated to the very end, I don`t care what Stockman(?) says.
There is also the prior denial of these undercover cops. Who is being held accountable for denying it. They also refuse to admit who the three men were, & disavow them. In other words, there may have been more. Not only should the mask-a-raiders have been arrested, for inciting to riot, but for assaulting the head of the union, who was in essence protecting the riot police from harm. I would surely hope that no American involement in this comes to light. That would make it an unprovoked international incident, moreso than having the US army personnel deployed on Canadian soil, as I understand happened also. That should never have happened, if in fact it did, nor should it ever be allowed to happen again. If bush needs an army to protect him, he should not be welcome. In my book, he should not be welcome anywhere but the Hague.
I just added the link to the Sûreté du Québec press release.
It has created some interesting discussions that I’ve heard the last week — on protesting and why it’s important. And how protesters are portrayed by the media in a negative light, as troublemakers etc., when it’s an amazing act of citizenship: taking a moment to stand up and say, “No, I don’t agree w/ this.” And that it’s only a few people who are doing this for the whole of society. It’s not all these masked troublemakers trying to cause problems. It’s citizens exercising their rights.
I feel like it’s the only option left to me to register my opinion. My vote means virtually nothing as even the supposed good guys are on a mass nose thumbing mission against those of us who offered them one last chance to practice what they preach. Turns out they’re just a different brand of Swaggart afterall.
That this incursion was caught on tape is invaluable, but only if enough come to see it. I highly doubt that this will get much if any coverage in the U.S. media though.
There’s an upcoming protest in DC on the 15th of next month that has the potential to be more confrontational than any large protest so far because the DC and Federal govts. have been aggressive in the runup with massive fines against the orgs. that are posting public info about it, like posters and fliers, etc. Non violence is always what is sought but I’m thinking more and more that civil disobedience and the official response to it are going to be ratcheted up soon. At least I hope so, because nothing else has worked so far and strict pascifism really only plays into the hands of the govt. and it’s oppressive tactics.
Then again, if any of these Canadian protestors had joined the rock throwing police they would’ve played into the manipulation as well.
I’m so confused :o)
We’re screwed either way, eh.
There have been many videos on youtube about the “police” infiltration tactics during demonstrations. In one of them they already knew the leaders and they move in and pick them off the street for no apparent reason.
The disappeared ones.
… for linking to your previous kos diaries on SPP that you put in dada’s diary.
Sometimes I hate knowing what I know. That expatriot assignment, the research from business school and my engineering background make it tough to get up in the morning.
but the opposite would be worse, don’t you think …
I read this quote today:
Highly recommended! H/T for an outstanding video. Now let’s see if the RWCM in the US picks up on this…
Will you let me know if you do see it?
You betcha. I don’t watch American TV “News”, though, but I do check the on-line sites.
When my son comes home from his camping trip (Davis Mtns in Texas) I’ll have him translate the update. He will be shocked the Sûreté du Québec did this.
But it’s basically saying that after review of the youtube video and videos the police had taken (ahem), they are admitting these three were police officers. And that they were there to keep an eye out for trouble and to secure the peace and were not involved in provocation or criminal activity.
The man in the youtube video — union leader Dave Coles — has said they are consulting w/ lawyers and may call for a criminal investigation.
Btw, this story was the lead or second story on the Ottawa news this morning – the conserv leading station 580 CFRA, as well as CBC.
Quebec police admit agents posed as protesters
Union head says controversy not the real issue
People are calling BS on the SQ’s statement that they were not there to incite violence — the question is, why were they holding rocks if they were just in the crowd to spot potential troublemakers?
Also, the police force was under the direction of the RCMP during this time, so did they know this was happening? Did they sanction it?
Yeah, I always walk around masked and wearing combat boots with a rock in my hand when I’m trying to keep the peace and spot troublemakers, don’t you?
What a load o’crap. At least it’s getting reported on your news.
CBC report
I’m surprised at how amateurish those “undercover” cops were. They seem to have little understanding of what the typical political protester is like nowadays.
Also, it makes no sense at all for a protester to mask his face, since part of the point is that you are engaging in your rights as a citizen. Citizens in democracies don’t hide their faces when they are engaged in legitimate conduct.
They must have some real nut jobs in the police administration in Quebec.
They look stiff in their movements, like they’re not sure how to react in the situation …
And if their purpose was to ensure the peace and stop violence from erupting why do they need to cover their faces. As CG said above, who walks around in face masks and carrying rocks when they’re keeping the peace.
these people are making fools of themselves. thesre’s video that shows the opposite of what they’re stating to be the case.
perhaps they think the big lie will work up there as well as it has here….l sincerely hope they’re mistaken.
mr stockwell seems to believe that the sun rises from mr harper’s ass every morning, eh?
perhaps someone should remind him of the first rule of holes:
when you’re in one, stop digging.
not that it’s worked very well down here….but worth a shot.
thanks for keeping this d current.
Yes, it appears that they have turned to the Orwellian playbook. We shall see what happens next.