For all that I’m as irritated with the Bush Dogs as anyone, I believe it matters that we have a Democratic majority instead of a Republican majority. The MasterCard company agrees with me. And, what’s more, they think government agency managers would agree.

Who else could this Federal Triangle DC Metro platform advertisement by their public sector development department be directed towards?

MasterCard advertisement, Federal Triangle Metro platform, DC - nc, 8/27/2007

Remember when there were no oversight committees?

That train has left the station.

For the close ups and a wide shot, head below the fold.

MasterCard advertisement, lower left text and contact information, Federal Triangle Metro platform, DC - nc, 8/27/2007

Get the business intelligence you need to help cut costs, optimize spending, and stand up to the toughest scrutiny. Find out what MasterCard Public Sector Development can do for you.

Visit or call 1-877-MC-PUBLIC.

MasterCard advertisement, lower right logo, Federal Triangle Metro platform, DC - nc, 8/27/2007

Public Sector Development

Transparency and accountability through business intelligence.

Federal Triangle Metro platform, Washington, DC - nc, 8/27/2007

Yep, it’s the Federal Triangle Metro, all right. When I’m capable of making this stuff up, I’ll be able to retire off the proceeds of my fabulous novels.

Update note: Someone took a picture of a slightly different version in January, and it was discussed on The older ad, as the commenters note, lacks the context provided by the supporting text. Without the additional commentary, it looks like a MasterCard branded advertisement for the Democratic majority.