The Jigsaw to Armageddon

Yeah, folks, you can bet the ranch: we’re going in.  I’ve heard all the arguments from the nay sayers, so let that go.  We’re going in.

This is déjà vu time, for sure, as we look back on the months before Shock and Awe, when so many of us tried to warn the nation about the coming catastrophe in Iraq. But those of us who shouted went unheard and those of us who marched in protest went unseen.  Yet in the end we were right on the mark.  

And so, we’ll try again.  This time, we’ll set out five easy pieces of a doomsday jigsaw puzzle that easily can be assembled if you take the time to do so. As in any such puzzle, the separate parts might be interesting, but not significant in themselves.  But once assembled, the full picture emerges, where none could be seen before.  

Each piece of this puzzle contains disturbing evidence that Bushco intends to unleash a massive, and possibly nuclear attack on Iran in the very near future.  Examined separately, the pieces might seem unsettling but not calamitous.  But when all of the pieces are viewed in correct perspective, when they interlock to form a complete picture, the final image is undeniable:

The puzzle we have pieced together reveals a very frightening picture: It is very plausible that in a very short time, most assuredly before the next presidential election, the murderous men in charge of US foreign policy may unleash Armageddon on us all.

Check out the Five Easy Pieces of this Doomsday Puzzle: