Back in 2004-05 I wrote a three-part series on why Sibel Edmonds would never talk about what she knew. What I really meant was that she would never be allowed to talk. But there is one loophole in my argument. If Sibel Edmonds is willing to go to jail, then no one can stop her from talking.
…she has now told The BRAD BLOG during an exclusive interview, she will now tell you everything she knows.
Everything she hasn’t been allowed to tell since 2002, about the criminal penetration of the FBI where she worked, and at the Departments of State and Defense; everything she heard concerning the corruption and illegal activities of several well-known members of Congress; everything she’s aware of concerning information omitted and/or covered up in relation to 9/11. All of the information gleaned from her time listening to and translating wire-taps made prior to 9/11 at the FBI.
Her condition for talking?
“Here’s my promise to the American Public: If any one of the major networks — ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX — promise to air the entire segment, without editing, I promise to tell them everything that I know.”
Why is she willing to do this?
“I have exhausted every channel. If they want to, they can bring criminal charges against someone who divulges criminal activity, and see how far they’re going to get.”
Generally speaking, I am a great admirer of Rep. Henry Waxman, who chairs the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform. But Waxman is falling down on the job and helping to cover up information that is potentially of the greatest national import.
Chris Deliso: Hmm, well I know you can’t name names, but can you tell me if any specific officials will suffer if your testimony comes out?
Sibel Edmonds: Yes. Certain elected officials will stand trial and go to prison.
We have a little more information about who, besides Dennis Hastert, would/will be going to jail.
Aside from the allegations she’s already made concerning Hastert, as we reported in some detail in early 2006, following up on a Vanity Fair exposĂ© in 2005, Edmonds says there are at least “two other well-known” members of Congress that she’s prepared to name as well.
“There are other Congressional people, whose names have not come out,” she explained. “As [Waxman’s office knows] I’ll be able to give them file numbers and investigations, including investigations by the IRS. I will be giving details one by one, not just allegations.”
“But,” she added, “unfortunately nobody wants to have an investigation like that.”
For the record, she told The BRAD BLOG, the other two “well-known members” are from the House, both Republican, and “one of them is recently no longer there.”
So far, she says, “those names have not been public.”
Will any corporate news outlet take Sibel Edmonds up on her offer? Are they willing to take on the State Secrets Privilege?
If they don’t, will BRAD BLOG become the new DRUDGE REPORT and get the scoop for themselves?
Could this bring down the entire government? We shall see.
In the meantime, please contact Henry Waxman and let him know that we do not appreciate this:
After briefing members of his security-cleared staff “inside the SCIF” — a high-security room in the U.S. Capitol, specially created for discussion of highly sensitive information — Edmonds says she was told on several occasions, prior to the 2006 Election, that her case would be one of the first heard in his committee, once he became Chairman.
“I even gave names of former and current FBI agents who were willing to go to Waxman’s office and give more information on all of this,” she said.
“Before the elections, I had a promise from Congressman Waxman’s office.” She claims they told her, before the election, “the only reason they couldn’t hold hearings, was because the Republicans were blocking it.”
“They said ‘your case will be one of the first ones we will hold investigations on,'” she told us. Now, however, since the Democrats have become the majority in the House, Waxman’s office is “going mum.” They won’t even respond to her calls.
The congressman’s office did not respond to several requests for comment on this story.
Tell Waxman to either do his patriotic duty or publicly explain why he is incapable of doing so. And if you want to contact your favorite report, Keith Olbermann, and ask him to conduct this interview, please do that as well.
As for the State Secrets Privilege:
And here is a video for your enjoyment.
They will muzzle her before she gets out a single word. The media has been neutralized. Fear rules!
Just watch. This ain’t goin nowhere!
Don’t get me wrong- I pray that this shit gets out!
they better arrest her preemptively then because she is getting ready to blab.
Have you ever tried to talk while in a harricane wind.
Or if you don’t like that try this- you know this one- if a tree……..
Nobody in the media will touch this. The only way this gets out ( and a very very slim one at that)-in the sphere. Again, she has to have hidden alot of stuff in the hopes that it can be used as leverage.
Again Boo- I pray that she can get it out. The potential is beyond belief. BUT………..
maybe, maybe not.
Sibel has never been stupid, and at this point she’s been submitted to just about everything but waterboarding so one would assume that she’s taken substantial preemptive precautions herself before ever exposing her intentions to Brad. Still, this certainly is so explosive it’s hard to imagine that she can procure a safe conduit for the info to break out into the sunlight.
Waxman, well his promise to Sibel is a year old now. Whether he’s prepped the room for her with all these other hearings or whether she should have come first we’ll never know. But Sibel’s time has arrived.
She doesn’t mention PBS, but it seems like they might be a better bet. Bill Moyers, Frontline, for example. And they’d have more credibility than some of the sensationalist “major networks”. If she is serious, though, just making a blanket announcement is probably not the best way to go about it. She’d do better by approaching specific shows including the above and 60 Minutes, Nightline, etc. Or –what the hell– Oprah or Larry King. Personally I’d concentrate on Moyers — he has a record of airing issues that nobody else does. And he doesn’t have corporate sponsors to worry about.
moyers’ pbs journal can be contacted via this address.
l’ve sent them an e/m with links to the brad blog article, as well as lukery’s diarys, urging them to consider doing a program with edmonds.
worth a shot…l don’t think anybody else out there in the media will even consider it.
I would have suggested Democracy Now but since whoever even thinks of taking this on will immediately be slapped with lawsuits, they gotta have pretty big pockets and corp sponsors to grease the advertising wheels.
There is no chance that any of the corporate defense industry owned media outlets will give her a platform to reveal what she knows. They’re less concerned about breaking the states secrets law than they are with fucking with their bottom line, which would be jeopardized if she started singing. It’s all about the money. Always has been, always will be, and one human life is no obstacle to protecting our American way of doing business.
People with her kind of courage are few and far between these days because she and those like her no doubt place themselves in grave danger. There’s no way they’ll allow her to do it. There’s a reason why Waxman is ignoring her now….
….but, if she’s determined to talk I think she might be better off approaching a non-traditional outlet, like HBO or maybe even the Sundance Channel. Someplace more cutting edge and willing to take huge risks. Even then I doubt she’ll find a taker large enough to desseminate her information widely enough to preempt what would be a huge media counter strike.