Presidential Candidates committed to both fighting and promoting terrorism at the same time?!!? Firefighters searching your homes without warrants to identify people who merely harbor ‘discontent with the United States‘? Do you ever qualify as being discontented with the US? Have any of your comments in THIS BLOG made you vulnerable to being placed on some damn list that will haunt you and your kids for rest of your life? Implicit and explicit threats against the safety and privacy of your own subjects is not known as a hallmark of Democracy.

Only in Orwell’s 1984 or Farenheit 451 could this stuff happen right?

It’s Bush’s America and he’s trying to force YOU out or into submission.

Giuliani Loves Terrorist Money More Than US Interests


Those with no law-enforcement training will have the right to enter our homes at will: Firefighter’s Warrantless Entry to be Used For Domestic Surveillance. New York City is already participating.. So much my interest in a Bloomberg Presidency – He’s one of “them.”

I’ve often reacted to this sort of crap by fantasizing and even preparing to take my leave of this place and leave it to the racist, ethnocentric, power-worshipping fuckwads who still fall in line. Going along to get along has turned much of this country in Good Germans.

But fuck that. Come in my house. I dare you.

Just like I’m not afraid of a few nutjobs running around the mountains of Pakistan and find ultimate cowardice at the heart of the US reaction to them, I am not afraid of a bunch of fascist chickenhawks.

The American people fought and died to put off fascist dreams of world domination in the past, and their efforts have been ironically co-opted by the scions of the very fuckers who put the fascists into power in Europe in the first place. It’s time to preserve the  efforts of the ‘Greatest Generation’ and push the fascists back into their hole.

Discontent indeed. I’ve never loved America more – I’ve always had a thing for the injured. It’s time to make these fuckers feel threatened and make this country great once again through a return to the ideals of the New Deal and Great Society, but informed by the lessons of their excesses and a more practical sense of how to keep the books in the black.