It’s odd.  There have, over the last couple days, been several diaries in the Orange Locale in which the denizens express angst.

  1. 1 diary indicated a lack of diversity in opinion
  2. Another diary expressed over much partisan infighting

Well, here’s my take:

The real problem with DK is the banning system. Roving bands of troll-hunters find and destroy trolls.  

During the period of Thermidore in the French Revolution, the guillotine was used to kill aristocrats.  Soon, none were left.  What to do? Did you KNOW an aritocrat?  Off with your head!  And so the Terror became more and more indiscriminant until it consumed itself.  Robespierre was beheaded.

That’s what’s going on in the DK universe.  The purity wacks have taken over.  There is no diversity of opinion left, since only those who toe the Party line are left.  All others have been assassinated.

Self-policing witch-hunting wackos are not good for the health of a community.