Enough of my yammering. What do you think?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think everyone is going to need this tonight.
The Iowa Caucus Drinking Game
I think Huckabee is on a roll. See him on The Tonight Show last night? And his Iowa rally yesterday, too. The people were with him.
Both he and Edwards have each tapped into something powerful.
and I’d grudgingly add Ron Paul to that list. He’s also tapped into something powerful, though it’s a different ‘thing’ than Edwards and the Huckster.
Interesting at The Weekly Standard blogs
Richelieu and Eastland predict an Obama win with this nugget from Richelieu:
“1.) Obama is going to win and could do so by a strong margin. Hillary and Edwards trail, with 60% chance Hillary comes in third. One interesting item: Republican turnout calls are picking up Obama supporters on Republican caucus-goers lists. There is going to be a good government/reform vote for Obama crossing over from outside the usual Dem base; especially moderate GOP women. I’ve predicted an Obama Iowa win for a year and I am more confident than ever.”[.]
See Huckabee cross the picket line to be on the Tonight Show?
What this country needs — a scab president.
and he’s probably a hero to all the union hating assholes on the right and the left for his obviously anti-union attitude. I guess Jesus hates unions.(except for the christian coalition which is almost union like but in a bad way)
Even people that would benefit from a union hate unions. People who need the strength of numbers to negotiate a decent wage hate unions. The brainwashing even blocks out the instinct for self preservation. Its freaking crazy. Religion and union bashing, if Huck’s supporters questioned anything he’d be done.
Absolutely. I think this has to be one of the biggest and best cons the rethug party has pulled off-getting people to vote against their own economic interests. Pretty much defies any coherent logic.(but of course that’s the point, they don’t use logic)
Journalistic pet peeves so far:
I’m sure there are many more.
I agree about the weather, especially if it’s the old folks that they’re talking about. Midwestern old folks wouldn’t miss a local gathering like this if their lives depended on it… no matter how cold it is. And they are very hearty, active old folks. The young folks may not show up because they have kids or they just can’t stand hanging around with a bunch of old people for a few hours. But those old folks will go for the social interaction. They’ll wear their sunday best and bring their “famous” baked goods.
I’m struggling to find the faith again, both religiously and politically. It’s so easy to fall into the pit of “they’re all corrupt, they’re all a bunch of selfish bastards with their hands out.”
But then I get back to my own f—ed up logic.
(Trying to swear a little less – although it is amazing my kids don’t swear like sailors and I guess that’s somehow a testament to my parenting skills, as far as I know. Or maybe it’s just their way of being rebellious.)
The Dems and GrOPers are both corrupt in their own special ways. However, it’s a question of steal little or steal big. White lies or huge, pulsating, black as night lies. And I can’t even think of a valid comparison as far as the vast difference in hypocrisy is concerned.
The Dems want to be good, sometimes even try to be good, or at the very least in their evil acts may still manage to help out the average citizen. The GrOPers never cared about anyone but themselves and never will. That’s probably why there are so many of the “What can Jesus do for me?” churches in the suburbs of red hell.
Me, I personally think the Republicans are so damn scared of Huckster and Ron Paul that they’re already talking about New Hampshire and the coming coronation of John McCain.
Iowa doesn’t matter, you see. It was always about McCain and New Hampshire.
Unless of course McCain doesn’t win in NH. Then it will have been about the Super Duper Primary on Feb 5.