Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Which reminds me, I need to make yoghurt today – which is as close as I get to fancy pants culture. Of course, I have to churn the butter from the milk first.
I just luv being a west-coast bree-sucking elitist. By the way Dahlings, could someone please bring me a Perrier in about a half and hour as I’ll be out stringing fences and that so dehydrates the skin.
Now that I’ve read the entire article with no distractions, can I just say, “Ugh”? The tone of that article is bad and more than slightly stupid. Of course, it could be because it lists off stuff like only the hoity-toity eat it and it offends me, to be melodramatic about it. Bok choy, rockfush, purple tomatoes…that’s not special food. That’s cheap food. Okay, maybe not the purple tomatoes, but at the farmer’s market, they can cost just as much as the regular tomatoes. We have bok choy at our cookouts all the time. That stuff is cheap! All the other stuff listed is pretty cheap/boring standard fare too. And yes, maybe because I live in LA and have a lot of options to shop at “ethnic” markets, that it’s easier for me. I understand that certain things I take for granted here are not available all over the country at a cheap price (like avocados!), but come on…that article just read like it is try to create a rift where one doesn’t need to be.
As for the people complaining about the price, I would suggest they bring their own food like poor people do. And I’m sorry, but people who drink coffee out of straws have a special circle of hell all to themselves. Don’t worry if you do. My husband is pretty funny sometimes.
perhaps they’d like some cheese with that whine.
perhaps the world of congressional culinary adventures should be expanded with something that’s truly bipartisan?
l would suggest a sumptous repast of CROW.
it’s now beer:30…later
Which reminds me, I need to make yoghurt today – which is as close as I get to fancy pants culture. Of course, I have to churn the butter from the milk first.
I just luv being a west-coast bree-sucking elitist. By the way Dahlings, could someone please bring me a Perrier in about a half and hour as I’ll be out stringing fences and that so dehydrates the skin.
Bring on the debate! I want to see a smackdown tonight! 😉
That’s considerably cheaper than all resturants and museums here in LA. Hell, that’s cheaper than a Jumbo Jack combo!
Okay, I could possibly feel bad for the aides since I heard they don’t make much.
Now that I’ve read the entire article with no distractions, can I just say, “Ugh”? The tone of that article is bad and more than slightly stupid. Of course, it could be because it lists off stuff like only the hoity-toity eat it and it offends me, to be melodramatic about it. Bok choy, rockfush, purple tomatoes…that’s not special food. That’s cheap food. Okay, maybe not the purple tomatoes, but at the farmer’s market, they can cost just as much as the regular tomatoes. We have bok choy at our cookouts all the time. That stuff is cheap! All the other stuff listed is pretty cheap/boring standard fare too. And yes, maybe because I live in LA and have a lot of options to shop at “ethnic” markets, that it’s easier for me. I understand that certain things I take for granted here are not available all over the country at a cheap price (like avocados!), but come on…that article just read like it is try to create a rift where one doesn’t need to be.
As for the people complaining about the price, I would suggest they bring their own food like poor people do. And I’m sorry, but people who drink coffee out of straws have a special circle of hell all to themselves. Don’t worry if you do. My husband is pretty funny sometimes.
Heavens … baked goods with Italian names, like biscotti, focaccia and frittati.
Where have these people been living? Under a rock?
They’re not aware of how pervasive the Food Network is nowadays. Frankly, if I lived in the midwest, I’d be a little miffed about the presumptions.
What’s on my mind is that we now apparently trollrate here at BMT for mere differences of opinion. Big Orange has lost its monopoly.
Well, I’ll give you some mojo love but frankly this comment is only “good” and I can’t betray my own principles and inflate your grade. 🙂
you’re taking that very personally, boran. People write whole blog entries about what an asshole I am.
apples and oranges.
boran2 isn’t a troll …
of course not. Am I an apple or an orange?
Or a Peruvian potato
Now this is a “4” comment. Pay attention boran2.
those are fighting words 😉
Apple. Probably a winesap.
And boran must be an osage?
Are you calling him a monkey brain?
b2 is of course a Dream Navel. 🙂
well, duh, he plays with crayons.
uh, boran … lurking boran who is rating us … that osage comment was troll ratable imo
It’s okay to call me names, just don’t dare trollrate me for disagreeing with Markos. 😉
The Draft Bloomberg site is up, with a surging
527 signatures!