Israeli forces kill 17 Gazans in less than four hours
More information here
Condemnation has come from the following:
The One Democratic State Group
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews – Neturei Karta
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas
The head of the Palestinian negotiation team, Ahmad Qurei
The Ramallah-based Palestinian Cabinet
The Alternative Information Center
The number of casualties will certainly climb as for lack of medicine and medical equipment in hospitals in Gaza, the wounded are dying, says official.
In retaliation, brigades have bombarded Israeli towns bordering Gaza Strip
There’s call for an end to peace negotiations with Israel. What peace negotiations, asks Barghouti: A total of 122 Palestinians have been killed since Annapolis in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, condolences have been sent to Haniyeh by Iranian and Yemeni presidents.
Some reactions:
Bloody Tuesday makes peace a far-fetched dream
In mourning, perhaps a new dawn
Time may have all but run out for this now.
TEL AVIV (Haaretz) Jan. 15, 2008 – Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman announced his party’s departure from the coalition, saying the rightist party would not tolerate negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on the core issues of the conflict.
Lieberman, who served as strategic affairs minister in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s government, said peace talks must address the issue of transferring the Israeli Arab population to Palestinian control.
“From our point of view, the concept of land for peace is out of the question,” said Lieberman. “The principle must be exchanges of territory and population.”
The outgoing minister said a withdrawal to the pre-1967 borders would not bring peace or an end to terrorism.
“Its not that we oppose the solution of two states for two peoples,” said the Yisrael Beitienu chairman. “On the contrary, we support it – two states for two peoples, not a state and a half for one people and half a state for the other.”
“We can’t accept the assymetry of a Palestinian state without a single Jew, and Israel becoming a binational state with more than 20 percent minorities,” he continued.
“Our problem is not with the Palestinians, it is with Israeli Arabs,” he said. “[Israeli Arab MKs] Ahmed Tibi and Mohammed Barakeh are more dangerous than [Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled] Meshal and [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah, because they operate from within.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Justify this: (0.00 / 0)
Missile defense, AIPAC, billions in military aid and Israel
are connected.
And I’d like to see this stopped:
Bingo tycoon subsidizes extremism in Israel –
Which leads to money for military:
Then we have other right-wing billionaires trying to run AIPAC, which is the pusher for missile defense:
Israel Lobby Rapped for Supporting Arabs
And now the Israeli J’lem approves controversial Mughrabi project
By Akiva Eldar
Zionism run amuck, and excuse for never ending war. IMO.
AND latest polls say Likud and Netenyahu would win in the coming elections.
Mattes, here’s a little video you might enjoy. It’s George Galloway spanking David Frum.
And I completely agree.
Thanks, guys, for the support and the additional input. Last night, I browsed some of the main US blogs for more information on that tragedy. Zilch! Maybe I did not peruse the right ones, maybe I did it on the wrong day at the wrong time. Anyway, I took it for granted that I was again in the I/P black hole, and after reading this, I thought that I’d do what I can, as pitiful as that may be in the great scheme of things, to try to install some fairness and balance to the news thing.