Would it be okay if we could have a thread just about George Will and what a putrid piece of flotsam he is? Whenever I venture out in non-Democratic circles I encounter non-conservatives that really admire George Will’s work. They’re always men and they’re always middle-aged, and they’re often very intelligent. And encoutering this phenomenon, even co-existing in the universe with this phenomenon, is worse than a case of the cooties.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s as if he is the hypocritical, corrupt pundit from cental casting.
that’s a good start, keep ’em coming.
he’s a bloviating philanderer. I can’t find the link, but his first wife threw him out of the house for cheating.
he wears the worst toupee on TV.
I distinctly recall Will in the 90’s applauding the constitutional appropriateness of the weakened presidency under Clinton.
Well, as they say, that was then… and now? IOKIYAR.
and they’re usually baseball fans.
When confronted by me, though, most of them admit that Will is a pompous ass. But that never seems to bother them.
This is because Will is actually a good baseball writer. During the players fight for collective bargaining and the end to the reserve clause, George Will wrote some of the most persuasive pieces using the history of baseball in support of the players.
In politics, he is a horrible partisan hack (albeit consistent) with a Washington elitist agenda.
I know. I admit to buying Men at Work.
I just ate breakfast. Please reschedule this blog post for my earliest convenience.
Obviously Will and those that revere him are devout Monarchy descendants. All that lineage next in line shit sometimes gets in the way of logic, but it’s the presentation that counts.
Then, there’s those of us who are descendants of guys like Robin Hood or Cochise who chose the logic (and of course sword fighting jumpin around stuff) in our leaders that gave us the best chance of surviving. I’m thinking the Merry band would have left Will in camp to do the dishes.
What the hell is his point?
It’s under the bad toupee.
Booman, I’m pissed at you. This morning, I only got a few sentences into the GW column, before dismissing it as the usual pompous drivel. Now you’ve made me read the whole thing!!
On another note, I’m actually finding Robert Novak readable these days. I’m sure someone will nail me to the wall for this, but I actually thought today’s column was pretty good.
George Will is a social Darwinist. Without understanding this simple fact, it is difficult to appreciate his political positions.
You might enjoy this story from FAIR: Triumph of (George) Will, When Media Might Makes Right.
“A skeleton is rattling in George Will’s closet.”
Laws are for the little people.
I think this stems from the fact that though Buckley-style, patrician Republicans might be complete idiots, at least they’re somewhat civil, and, for the most part, play by the rules.
Will stands as a refreshing alternative to the Gingrich / Delay crowd. Scary, huh?