Are you concerned that Chris Dodd’s FISA filibuster might interfere with some his colleague’s plans to attend the economic conference in Davos, Switzerland?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Ok, bear with me here.
Does the subject of this youtube remind you of anyone in Congress.
Am I more concerned about my Senator getting time to see this:
and participating in a little of this:
Or would I rather have him in Washington talking about upholding this:
Concerned about Davos ??????
…………………Nahhhhh, not in the least.
snowboarding Senators? Maybe Tester?
We all know Kerry windsurfs. I bet he snowboards too.
And Kerry NEVER misses hobnobbing with the richest of the rich at the Davos conference. He goes every year. Watch him phone in an objection and issue a strongly worded press release before hitting the slopes.
At the bottom of Greenwald’s Salon article is a “share button”, you can click on the little envelop and email it to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee at
If enough people do it, it will have an effect.
thank you for the e/m address alicedem. since l’m in a give’em hell kinda of mood, l forwarded the essay with the following attached:
what say ye? is the constitution and the “rule of law” important, or is it not?
“now, watch this drive”
turn on C-SPAN2, Sen. Dodd is up next to discuss FISA. Sherrod Brown is up now discussing something else.
From William Greider at
More at the link above.
Lisa, that link doesn’t work, you need to remove the : at the end.
Here’s a quote from Hillary from ten years ago when all sorts of things were on the internet about Bill and that blue dress.
“We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there are all these competing values…. Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?” she said. — Reuters, Feb 11, 1998
Do with that what you will.