Well, since I skipped posting Knit-a-palooza last week, I have lots to share this week!  Finished socks, newly started socks (the last of my `ball-o-yarn-and-a-picture-of-what-it-will-become’ Christmas gifts!), and yarn pr0n for my soon-to-be-new sweater.
First up, CBtY’s finished fraternal twin socks (I’m modeling them `cause he’s at his dad’s today):

Click photos for larger image

And since those sockknitting needles were empty, I cast on the next pair (the aptly named boyfriend socks):

I’ve been working on them every night while the news and debates are on, so here’s what they look like today:

Here’s a close-up of the cable design:

And modeled on smaller feet than those for which they are intended (who says you can have too many sock pictures?):

I’m anxious to get them finished, because the mailman brought me the yarn for my next big project this week, and it’s soft and squishy and a beautiful shade of purple, and I really shouldn’t start one project before I finish the other:

But I can’t wait to make this hooded zip-up cardigan (with pockets!) from it:

Which is why I gave in to the temptation to knit a swatch and check my gauge while CBtE was at his guitar lesson that night.  I just grabbed needles and a ball on my way out the door with him…and didn’t notice that I was knitting with 2 slightly different size needles until I got home. D’oh!

And finally, something about politics and knitting…Remember how I was raving about Ravelry last week?  Well, I have a funny little story about Keith Olbermann that I came across there.  Someone had posted a comment about him comparing the Iowa caucus turnout to that of the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival on his show one night, and they were wondering if he had a girlfriend who was a knitter.  It turned out that mytribe had actually asked him the same thing in his first diary at Dailykos, and out of 1500 comments, it was one of 2 he responded to: Check it out!

Of course, now folks are speculating as to what this comment of his means…I know I’ll be looking for signs of knitted objects while I’m watching the returns come in tonight.  I’m such a geek!

So what’s needling you this week?