Sen. Reid is wrapping up on the Senate floor and we’ll have a vote on cloture. Any Democrat that votes for cloture is absolutely off the reservation and should be considered an infiltrator into the caucus. Let us see.

Update [2008-1-28 17:15:12 by BooMan]: Cloture failed 48-45. It needed 60. I did not notice a vote by Joe Lieberman. Democrats that betrayed the Constitution: Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania voted with the Democrats. I’ll have to wait for the Roll Call to be posted in about an hour to see who all did not vote. I know McCain did not show up. Now there will be a cloture vote on a 30-day extension. This vote will be more suspenseful.

Update [2008-1-28 17:28:34 by BooMan]: Mary Landrieu of Louisiana changed her vote to ‘no’ after it was clear that cloture would not be invoked. A profile in courage plaque for her.

Update [2008-1-28 17:31:59 by BooMan]: Again, cloture failed by a 48-45 vote. I did not notice any Democratic defections on the second vote.