Sen. Reid is wrapping up on the Senate floor and we’ll have a vote on cloture. Any Democrat that votes for cloture is absolutely off the reservation and should be considered an infiltrator into the caucus. Let us see.
Update [2008-1-28 17:15:12 by BooMan]: Cloture failed 48-45. It needed 60. I did not notice a vote by Joe Lieberman. Democrats that betrayed the Constitution: Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania voted with the Democrats. I’ll have to wait for the Roll Call to be posted in about an hour to see who all did not vote. I know McCain did not show up. Now there will be a cloture vote on a 30-day extension. This vote will be more suspenseful.
Update [2008-1-28 17:28:34 by BooMan]: Mary Landrieu of Louisiana changed her vote to ‘no’ after it was clear that cloture would not be invoked. A profile in courage plaque for her.
Update [2008-1-28 17:31:59 by BooMan]: Again, cloture failed by a 48-45 vote. I did not notice any Democratic defections on the second vote.
cloture vote underway.
l’ve been listening in the bkgrd to the debate…and awayyyyyy we go!
3 to 1 salazar votes aye.
Anyone know if McCain is there?
I hear no.
I had heard he was skipping the SOTU in favor of campaigning. Makes sense that he’s not in Washington today.
I’ll be surprised if he shows, his track record on actually voting on important matters is appalling. Then again, maybe that’s a good thing since he is currently pandering to the right wing at the moment?
in fact, he and Willard are having a pie fight today on who’s ‘more liberal’.
Nelson of Nebraska: Aye.
Baucus: no
Specter: no
difi: no [surprised me]
Snowe: aye
carper: no
stabenow: no
pryor: aye
collins: aye
salazar: no
yep, only the biggest wussies in the Senate folded on this one…and Nelson, who is just a Republican with D.
And thanks for telling us who they are..we need to now.
salazar: no…knock me down w/ a feather.
Ditto. But I fell over before the feather made contact!
unbelievable! he got two in a row right…a rare day indeed.
see!! calling them sometimes works.
they know me……
They know me, too, and we have mutually negative opinions of each other.
Wish I had a handy roll call spreadsheet to record the votes as they come in and have a current tally.
Mary Landrieu: aye
Blanche Lincoln: aye
apparently southerners hate the Constitution. And dudes from Nebraska with bad hairpieces.
Now I remember who Nelson is. Just say “bad hairpiece.”
Mikulski: no
Oh no!!! The TERRR-ists are gonna kill us in our beds!
The cloture vote failed.
specter predictably fucked us on the second vote.
so far I have no noticed any cross-over votes.
Cloture fails by the same 48-45 vote, only this time the Dem position got the 48.
cloture for 30-day extension fails. And it’s Quorum Call time…
Senate will adjourn until tomorrow at 10:00 am.
I guess that makes the only remaining question for today how much the petulant boy king will whine about this tonight in the SOTU.
he will whine a lot, that is for sure.
The real question though is: Does anyone care when Boy King whines anymore? Should be interesting to see if his scare tactics even work this time.
What else does he know?
give him a break. He rides a one trick pony named fear mongerer-in-chief. Let him whine from now ’til Jan. 2009. be thankful this is his last lame speech.
Chance for Sebelius to stand strong for Democratic principles.
So much to whine about for him and luckily for us so little time.