Ohio: Lawsuit Over Primary Ballots
The American Civil Liberties Union asked a federal judge to block the March 4 presidential primary in Ohio’s most-populous county if it switches to a paper ballot system that does not allow voters to correct errors. In a follow-up to a suit it filed Jan. 17, the A.C.L.U. of Ohio asked for a preliminary injunction against any election in Cuyahoga County, which includes Cleveland, if the switch is made. The lawsuit argued that the proposed paper-ballot system would violate voters’ constitutional rights because it does not allow them to correct errors before the ballots are cast.
How do we get the ACLU turned around on this one?
Tell them you won’t donate any more to them until they stop supporting paperless elections.
The CIA once had a very intertwined relationship with the ACLU. See Angus Mackenzie’s book “Secrets” for details. I wonder if they are still ’embedded.’
Note: I believe overall that the ACLU is a good group. But like Amnesty International, and even, to a degree, the Sierra Club, they know where there bread is buttered, and take care not to upset the powers that be too much.
It’s nearly impossible to be big and good and not be infiltrated and corrupted slightly from within. I don’t know any group that has tried that and succeeded 100%.
What does the CIA have to do with the voting machines? I don’t see any agency Christian Reconstructionist links. Indeed, the security community has stood up to Bush better then most other segments of American society. Where do you think all those anti-Bush leaks are coming from?