From The Washington Post – Chris Cillizza;

“The Gender Gap: For nine states covered by exit polling data purchased by The Post, the gender gap on the Democratic side showed up in full force. Taking out the two candidates’ home states, the exit polls reveal a vote split clearly down gender lines. Obama won the male vote in all six of the seven non-native son/daughter states (he crushed Clinton by 39 points among men in Georgia) while she won men in Tennessee by three points. Among women, Clinton rolled to double-digit victories in five of the seven states; Obama won women in Georgia by a whopping 28 points thanks to his strength among black voters and beat Clinton by a single point among women in Missouri. The numbers in individual states were eye-popping — Clinton did 27 points better among women than men in Massachusetts, 26 points better in California and 20 points better in New Jersey.”

I really believe this proves my point that men are not as threatened by a well educated, articulate, half black man then they are by a strong white women.

Several people have insisted its the candidates themselves….but if that is true these discrepancies just would not be this high. Women arent stupid….if Hillary is that bad why are they voting for her in such large numbers?

Racism and sexism are alive and well in America…..Obama is benefitting as a black man who isnt coming off as that black while Hillary cant be seen as anything other than a woman.

Let me go even further….its ok for a black man to “act” white….its not ok for a woman to act manly…then she is a bitch.

And probably a lesbian.

And lets not forget women won the right to vote 50 years after black men did.

Im not writing this to get into a pissing match about which group is more likely to be penalized for who they are….there is plenty of hate to go around in all groups towards all groups….i just think its really interesting to look at the underlying things that are happening here….we need to dissect this stuff and get some understanding of it so we can fight it….self awareness is always a good first step.

It will be even more interesting to see how republicans handle these issues.