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About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
Over Mark Penn’s use of Carter in ’80 and Mondale in ’84 to prove a point that Clinton is on target and doing fine.
he did WHAT?
now my head hurts
Read the full (completely unsourced) article right here!
I’ve learned that the combination of a patch of ice, 260 pounds, and gravity makes for a sprained and swollen ankle. I’ve also learned that the combination of an ace bandage, an ice pack, and a third glass of Merlot makes it all better…
funny, had my own version of that very experience today. as I lay gasping in pain dogs recognized the opportunity of a ‘downed’ human and managed to dance happily on my broken down carcass. will now head, per your kind suggestion, to the liquor cabinet
Geez, aren’t dogs sweet?? ;-/
Hope you made it to the liquor cabinet!
Oh, owww!!! I know how deady ice can be, and how wonderful Merlot can be at such a moment. Elevate, ice for two days, then heat packs.
I used to sprain my ankle all the time as a kid – so much so that I wrote a little poem about it. Two days off of it is the fastest path to recovery. TRUST me on this.
we’ve got a superdelegate fight brewing here:
anf it looks like your hometown is a;ready suffering the same “screw you” attitude. per a recent post on square state
l’m reconsidering my vacation plans for august, and may see if l can get a media pass for the convention…this could beinteresting.
i’m in the running to represent my state, if I end up getting a press credential we’ll have to jeer at them together O:—)
l’ll be bringing cameras…l have a pretty good chance of getting one thru my 20 yr involvement with community radio here…we shall see.
it’d be a pleasure to jeer at them w/ you manny…:{)
ot: saw this at the guardian uk…scroll thru…the crisis on the border is getting world wide attention.
i am a county delegate in Colorado but obviously won’t make it to the level of the natiional convention.
heh…ya never know…might just see you in denver, eh
My mom is a county delegate in Colorado, too. She’s pretty excited about the whole thing, but realizes she won’t make it to the convention.
MoveOn stepped in with a campaign on the super-delegates.
target to place ad In USA Today with petition to keep the Democratic Party democratic..let the voters decide.
They’re canvasing for signatures
btw if memory serves MoveOn endorsed Obama.
I’m amazed this race isn’t over. The fact that superdelegates are even considering throwing it to her is proof that our party is run by idiots. Do they not understand that a huge chunk of would-be Democratic voters will bail in November and throw the presidency to McCain?
Glad to see MoveOn making noise, though.
Not to mention the independents, uncommitted to party, Republicans willing to take a chance.
After 8 years of Bush it would be absolute agony to see the Democratic Party commit hari kari.
And the young people. I’d doubted Obama could bring out the young folks, having had my heart broken by the Dean campaign. I didn’t believe he could pull it off. I’m a believer now. And we’ll forfeit those people if this…thing steals the nomination.
The rules are the rules, of course, and I won’t sit here and say supers are outside their rights to overturn the nomination, but they shouldn’t be surprised if many don’t show up for Clinton on election day.
They won’t do it. I know it, and the Obama campaign knows it. Believe me, Clinton knows it too.
She lost when she couldn’t top him on Super Tuesday. She had put all her money in that day, so much so that there was nothing left the following day.
She is the past. He is the future. And the superdelegates will NOT kill their party to save her. They will not. I know this in my heart.
How is this for a bumper sticker?
“W/wPe” WPe=worst President ever
I think this diary at OpenLeft by Mike Lux is the only cogent discussion I’ve seen about the FLA and MI problem.
Notice that he doesn’t talk about the specific delegations that will be appointed based on the January elections and he doesn’t talk about voters who voted in the elections being disenfranchised. He talks about delegations and voters generally.
Voters – a group that encompasses the people who voted that day as well as the people who might have voted that day if they had thought it was going to count – but didn’t because they were told it didn’t count.
To seat delegations doesn’t mean to seat the specific delegations that everyone is arguing about now.
I’m regularly impressed with his analysis over there and think he’s a great addition to the blogosphere. (Even though his blogging partner refuses to consider him a blogger. )
digby also makes good sense on this issue. She recommends both states have new primaries.
TalkLeft’s Big Tent has a solution that will give some of the delegates from the illegitimate primaries. Yuk. If they do I want California’s primary for the next Prez election before Christmas 2011.
Also, I keep hearing rumors that Edwards will endorse Clinton real soon, which is too bad. He disappeared right before the primary here in Cali. So I switched to Obama. The endorsement would be meaningless for me, I already voted. It would just leave me with a little less respect for Edwards.
Well, although he didn’t bother to go into any background analysis (he never does), his solution showed he’s thinking the same way as Lux – trying to balance the two halves of the equation. Enfranchising those who already voted and those who would have voted if they hadn’t been told it wouldn’t count. And seating some kind of delegation that everyone can live with.
Better than, say, Chris Bowers who gets all worked up about Democracy and legitimacy but then says we should just seat all the Florida delegates without any discussion of the legitimacy of the election that apportioned them.
I actually found Digby annoying on this because she talks about not disenfranchising the people of Florida but then belittled the people talk about the ‘rules’. It’s my problem with most discussions on this – one side is belittled.
Lux didn’t do that. He points out that both sides have a point and are representing good values that we need to have if we are going to have a decent system.
Let us not forget that Clinton, before the primary season, went along with all this.
Is to strip the states of half their delegates and then split those remaining delegates in half.
Interesting. It works for giving them a delegation but still doesn’t give them the ability to decide the nomination, so they are still punished.
But it doesn’t enfranchise those people who would have voted if they hadn’t been told it didn’t count.
😛 This is where hard-nosed faboo mama comes out.
I can’t feel too much for people who chose not to vote because they were told the delegates wouldn’t count. They still could have exercised their right to vote, regardless. Look at me. The people of CA always vote to give the Indian Casinos everything they want, regardless of logic or financial harm to the state. I still vote ‘no’ on the propositions knowing that they’ll pass.
Well, you know that it will pass because no one has told you that all the ‘yes’ votes wouldn’t count that day. The contrary. They told you the ‘yes’ votes would count. If they told you that all the ‘yes’ votes wouldn’t count you might not think it mattered to register your disapproval.
When the ‘yes’ votes count, you are exercising a right to express a different choice. All choices are counted (supposedly) and the choice with the most proponents wins and whatever is voted on happens or doesn’t happen because of that vote. If, however, there is no choice to be made then how is there any “right” to choose. It’s just a straw poll. A beauty contest.
It’s possible that the FL election wouldn’t have gone any differently. But I don’t see how anyone can know when the basis for people going to the polls on the issue were different than the basis that they’ve had in other elections. It wasn’t just that their own vote wasn’t going to count. It was that all the votes in favor of candidates they didn’t support weren’t going to count either.
Those were the rules. That’s why the election is, imo, an illegitimate way to determine the will of the voters of FL.
thanks for a laugh –
The people of CA always vote to <do the stupidest possible thing>, regardless of logic or financial harm to the state.
Prop13, Arnold’s car tax giveback…how many stupid things in between…
The universe is expanding. Yet there’s still not enough space for neocons to control.
Damn, another big shooting on a college campus.
Five dead, including the gunman. At least 22 injured.
There is something basically wrong with this country when we continue to cultivate kids that resort to these acts.
and the Neanderthals that lurk in the state legislature here in Arizona are using incidents like this to make it legal to carry firearms on campuses. I really don’t understand these people.
I know. After Va. Tech. a couple of guys at work made the argument that if it had been legal for students to carry guns there that someone would have taken the guy out before he could get going.
I guess if everyone at Va. Tech. had been trained in karate, they could have taken him down, too. I just don’t see where gun saturation is the answer. These people have grown up watching too many westerns or something. Things like what they say rarely happen, except in the movies. Unless someone is trained, not just how to shoot a gun but to shoot to kill, they will most likely freeze like a deer in headlights in a situation such as today.
Yep, and the stupid yayhoos in the SoDak legislature (I live in SoDak) passed that stupid bill – thank goodness it’s not going anywhere right now. Seriously, what are people thinking wanting to allow guns on campuses?!
Campuses and national parks, the new danger zones.
That makes it the 3rd school shooting this week, the 5th public shooting this week.
Why, if everyone was carrying, think of all the lives that would have saved.
The Clintons might be losing the support of the Branstools.
“And they’re just regular folks!” Demetrius (inevitably) quipped.
What with the House growing a pair today and sticking with their version of FISA, it now appears very possible that the PAA will expire. If it does expire and we are basically back to the original FISA arrangement we had before all this crap started, what and who is there to keep the Bush administration from just plain old ignoring the fact that the PAA is gone? Who is going to hold them accountable if they just decide “FUCK YOU” and go right on their merry way doing things just like they have done them all along, namely illegally and without any oversight.
Are the Democrats prepared to take this to the next level that will be required? Cause if they don’t then all they have done is conduct one huge masturbatory spectacle with absolutely no consequence.
Cause you know there is no way in hell that Bush will shrug his shoulders and accept what has been done. He is untouchable in his mind and has no reason to fear anyone in Congress.
So what is going to happen when we all wake up on Monday and the PAA is nothing but a lesson for the history books? My guess is nothing will change. Not a damn thing.
Hopefully, just hopefully, the next administration’s Justice Department will investigate what actually happened and press charges against those who did all of this. It sure won’t happen under Mukasey, as we are all noticing now. But let’s get through this disaster and hope to restore our constitution once Cheney and Bush are gone. What else can we do?
John Lewis is switching his support to Obama according to the New York Times.
That makes me very happy.
for those of you, like me, without cable, C&L has keith olbermann’s special comment up…President Bush is a Liar and a Fascist
That’s pretty amazing. And arguably true.
I hope KO keeps this up after His Nibs leaves office. There will be plenty of petty panjumdrums to go along.
but she wants us to give her the keys to the Treasury?
She can’t even hire a good campaign manager, but tells us she’s ready from Day One?
She keeps patterning her speeches after Obama, but she wants to pretend she’s the leader?
With all her vaunted experience, Clinton has run a really dumb and overly expensive campaign.
Why would ANYONE want her to run our country, after she can’t even run her own campaign????
Tell me again how the woman who, after a year of campaigning, finally “found her voice” (only to have apparently lost it again), is ready on Day One?
I am reminded of how, in New Hampshire, she could not fill the venues she reserved for her speeches. What did she do? She brought in bus-loads of young New York supporters and put them up in hotels to go to her rallies and pretend to be New Hampshire folks supporting her.
That’s pathetic. Really pathetic. And extremely expensive.
When she came here to Nevada, I noticed that she couldn’t afford to do this anymore. So she would hold an “event” at a Mexican restaurant or something instead of booking a major hall or something. Note that when Obama came to town, he would book the largest venues he could find at the local casinos and universities. He always filled the places. Always. And he never had to pay anyone to show up like Hillary did.
Hmmmmn, interesting. Potemkin rallies.