Mary Landrieu really knows how to wank:

“The telephone companies, who have worked collaboratively with us to protect the American people, are afraid they’re going to get sued,” Bush said. “And the American people have got to understand that these lawsuits make it harder for us to convince people to help protect you.”

The rhetoric angered Democrats such as Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who said the Republicans are looking to put phone companies’ corporate interests ahead of Americans’ privacy rights.

“If he didn’t get a degree in drama, he could qualify for one with some of his theatrics,” Landrieu said of Bush. “I actually support his position on immunity, but the drama is unnecessary. It’s an old act, and it doesn’t have nearly the punch it did when it first debuted.”

Sen. Landrieu supports assisting the president in the cover-up of an elaborate series of felonies. But she sure talks tough. Let’s give her an Arlen Specter Award.