Mary Landrieu really knows how to wank:
“The telephone companies, who have worked collaboratively with us to protect the American people, are afraid they’re going to get sued,” Bush said. “And the American people have got to understand that these lawsuits make it harder for us to convince people to help protect you.”
The rhetoric angered Democrats such as Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who said the Republicans are looking to put phone companies’ corporate interests ahead of Americans’ privacy rights.
“If he didn’t get a degree in drama, he could qualify for one with some of his theatrics,” Landrieu said of Bush. “I actually support his position on immunity, but the drama is unnecessary. It’s an old act, and it doesn’t have nearly the punch it did when it first debuted.”
Sen. Landrieu supports assisting the president in the cover-up of an elaborate series of felonies. But she sure talks tough. Let’s give her an Arlen Specter Award.
Landrieu should speak with her governor. From my read most governors, Republicans included, think this telecom immunity tramples state rights to regulate and protect their citizens’ privacy.
Gov. Douglas (R-VT) has voiced his disgust with Bush’s stand. None too pleased.
isn’t this clown in hot water with the Louisiana’s voters?
like so many politicians, she needs to learn to shut her piehole.
I’m for giving her the Arlen SPecter award, but only if that award is an anvil and a long walk off a short pier.
Hey, I think your John Mccain Link is broken.
Since Katrina, she’s been more a DINO than ever. She should tell Kathleen Blanco to move over.
Unfortunately, the facts suggest that she is a lying piece of crap. The telcos weren’t doing it out of concern for our collective welfare, they were doing it for a profit. They were being paid. They only stopped when the money train did.
this is one Senate seat I’m not sure I would mind losing…
maybe she’d be better as a smaller fish in a larger majority, but she’s significantly more awful than a lot of our redstate folks.
You can’t vote for war and disown the results”
That’s the fourth or fifth time I seen or heard some form of the word collaboration in connection with the telco immunity argument in the last day or so. I guess I didn’t get the memo. I don’t think I would want to reinforce that connotation if I was trying to make an argument in favor of immunizing someone accused of breaking the law in order to help the government break the law. What am I missing here?