It is obvious what is going on in the Clinton campaign. First it was James Carville, saying Hillary must win Ohio or Texas. And now Bill Clinton saying that a Texas loss would end the campaign.
Et tu, Bill.
I have heard the comment that this is some deep psychological game being played by the Clinton campaign to gather sympathy and votes for Hillary Clinton. I don’t believe that is the case. There was such a feeling of inevitability inside the Clinton campaign about Hillary Clinton becoming the next President of the United States, it meant that they were totally unprepared for this Barack Obama fellow. They clearly thought the competition would be John Edwards and totally ignored Obama as a serious challenger.
Carville and Clinton are probably the two most astute political strategists and observers anywhere. These statements that are clearly designed to prepare Hillary Clinton for the inevitable: she will not be the Democratic party’s nominee. Reading on Walden Bookstore.
Bill is trying to rally the Hillary troops in TX and OH. He’s putting it on them – get Hillary over this hump, or she’s toast.
Part of what makes Bill a very effective politician is that he comes across as extremely smart.
He screwed that up in SC.
He’s not going to go in for any obvious bullshit about how she can lose TX and OH and still win. Admitting this obvious truth about the dynamics of the campaign is part of what restores his credibility.
He’s not sending a message to anyone about sympathy or anything like that. This is all about re-establishing trust in WJC’s judgment. Do not be surprised if he starts making some astute observations about the Republican campaign.
However, do not forget that, since 1996, he has been out of electoral politics. That’s 12 years. In 12 years you can easily lose your instincts for how to push a touchy subject.
That’s what we see. He has lost touch with the base. He especially is confused about his support: Many, like myself, support him as a former politician who was treated badly. I don’t support him as a current politician making a comeback. He’s the past, and he should stay there.