Obama continues to pick up superdelegates:
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, D-S.D., has decided to endorse Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.
What’s on your mind? Gonna watch the debate tonight?
Obama continues to pick up superdelegates:
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, D-S.D., has decided to endorse Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.
What’s on your mind? Gonna watch the debate tonight?
I’m watching the live feeds from outside the University in Cleveland, and not missing that damn snow one bit. So, to my six sisters and my brother and my mother and my 27 nieces and nephews who still live there….Pllllllbbbbbttttt!
Too Sense found some more ‘shocking photos of Obama in authentic Native Dress’
guy looks good.
I fully expect someone to come up with a bathtub picture of him from when he was about three years old, after which we’ll see screaming headlines proclaiming OMFG!!!!111!!ONE!!ELEVEN!1! BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA USED TO BE A NUDIST!!
At this writing Obama needs less than 9,000 donors to hit his goal of 1 million people who own his campaign – almost 600,000 signed on since January.
Incredible. He’ll have his target before Friday.
He may have raised $56 million this month.
I will probably still be on the bus when the debate is going and miss the whole thing. Not to worry, though, there will be endless debate and post-mortem after the debate about the debate, so I doubt I’ll miss much if anything.
What’s the drinking game for the debate? Here are my suggestions:
Any other suggestions?
Three swigs everytime Obama ends a sentence with “…when I’m President of the United States of America.”
But we would all die of alcohol poisoning…
Even though this means I have to send my girl off to her first day of ballet class with daddy. The bonus is that I won’t have to deal with other parents.
Yeah, I’ll be paying attention…mainly to see if Clinton decides to throw mud and to see general crowd reaction.
Don’t need to watch, it already happened (courtesy Ben Smith): http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/Story.asp?Article=209976&Sn=WORL&IssueID=30344
I guess I could have gone to the ballet class after all!
I hope Obama throws the “let’s get real” line in response if he finds a kitchen sink flung in his direction.
Okay, maybe it’s just me being too optimistic, but it seems that the initial Republican attack on Obama has failed spectacularly, and he didn’t even need to say a word. Between Jonah Goldberg comparing Obama with Hitler, and that radio talk show host calling Obama a Muslim terrorist (and now being labeled as a racist by reporters), I’m left thinking, “Man, if this is the best the idiots can come up with, Obama’s going to blow McCain away.”
I’d suspected that it just might be the case that the right has no idea how to go after him. Might I have been correct?
Not only that, by the way, but it seems the radio talk show host revealed perhaps a bit more of a fracture in the GOP base after McCain denounced him.
Herseth Sandlin is the very same woman who donated a washer and dryer to the new shelter house for Pretty Bird Woman House. Now I have two reasons to send her a nice note.