… by the FEC allowing Hillary’s campaign to file a fourth false FEC report on January 30, 2006, as part of a settlement and FEC fine for her Treasurer’s [Andrew Grossman] prior three false reports which hid Peter Paul’s donations, the FEC allowed Hillary’s campaign to contradict the evidence presented by the FBI and Department of Justice Office of Public Integrity in the May 2005 trial of her finance Director David Rosen – that Peter Paul personally contributed more than $1.1 million to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign! This false report enabled Hillary Clinton’s re-election to the Senate without addressing the proof of the false statements she made about Paul to assure her first election.
Several online news sites and newspapers, including the New York Post, featured articles during the last year regarding the Stan Lee Media Co-Founder Peter Paul suing the Clintons Over Campaign Funds. Peter Paul, who was indicted on stock manipulation charges, said that Hillary Clinton did not report donations of approximately $2 million he made to her 2000 Senate bid, but never reported the monies to the Federal Elections Committee because he is a convicted felon.
The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, named N.Y. Sen. Clinton, former president Bill Clinton and others as defendants. By exposing the political couple’s alleged failure to report the donations, Paul tried to avoid possible prosecution for federal campaign-finance violations. According to the Post, the campaign for Mrs. Clinton returned $2,000 of the approximately $2,000,000 in contributions, which were substantiated by Peter Paul’s canceled checks.
A reader wishing for a full, balanced picture of Sen. Hillary Clinton won’t get it from the New York Times, which in the 17-month period between Election Day 2004 and April 1, 2006 followed a pattern of mainstreaming Clinton’s liberal policies while throwing roadblocks in front of her potential Republican Senate opponents and playing down her controversial remarks. Such whitewashing from America’s paper of record will serve Clinton well as she prepares for a presidential run.
The main Hillary-hailer-in-chief for the Times was reporter Raymond Hernandez, who got the mainstreaming strategy rolling in a November 4 , 2004 article after John Kerry’s loss, “For the Moment, Mrs. Clinton Looks Like the Candidate to Beat.”
“Mrs. Clinton has staked out moderate-to-conservative positions on a host of issues, from welfare to the war in Iraq, much to the chagrin of her liberal supporters and the satisfaction of some Republicans.”
In a February 9, 2005 story tucked away in the Metro Section, Hernandez and Ian Urbina reported on a fundraising scandal involving Hillary Clinton, “Clinton Benefit Has a Lesson: Double-Check That Donor List.”
The headline suggested the skew of the story, which dispersed the blame away from Clinton (David Rosen, Clinton’s finance director, was later acquitted). As a result, the story came off as more of a cautionary tale for politicians in general than about an actual political scandal involving Clinton.
You never cease to amaze me.
I am with you, Alice! Oui, my question is how do you do it!!!????????? Where do you get all this information? You are phenomenal!!!
Oui is fabulous at this. Clintons are good at twisting the media’s arms to kill or polish articles not to their liking.. Ask Josh Green at GQ.
NEW YORK – William F. Buckley Jr., the erudite Ivy Leaguer and conservative herald who showered huge and scornful words on liberalism as he observed, abetted and cheered on the right’s post-World War II rise from the fringes to the White House, died at 82.
Born Nov. 24, 1925, in New York City, William Frank Buckley Jr. was the sixth of 10 children of a a multimillionaire with oil holdings in seven countries. The son spent his early childhood in France and England, in exclusive Roman Catholic schools.
A precocious controversialist, William was but 8 years old when he wrote to the king of England, demanding payment of the British war debt.
Buckley founded the biweekly magazine National Review in 1955, declaring that he proposed to stand “athwart history, yelling ‘Stop’ at a time when no one is inclined to do so. The National Review defended the Vietnam War, opposed civil rights legislation and once declared that “the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail.” Buckley also had little use for the music of the counterculture.
Buckley was the party’s candidate for mayor of New York in 1965, waging a campaign that was in part a lark — he proposed an elevated bikeway on Second Avenue — but that also reflected a deep distaste for the liberal Republicanism of Mayor John V. Lindsay. Asked what he would do if he won, Buckley said, “I’d demand a recount.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
A Reuters feature today that mirrors the entitlement meme:
How did Hillary Clinton fall so far?
related: where are they in the polls?
Obama has small lead in Texas, close in Ohio
ISIOLO, Kenya (Reuters) – Kenyan elders demanded an apology from Washington ahead of a planned protest over a controversial photo of U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama in traditional Somali dress.
The dispute has angered many in Kenya, especially ethnic Somalis from the northeast, who resent the implication that Obama did anything wrong during his visit.
Wajir residents plan to demonstrate after Friday prayers to show their support for the Illinois senator.
Mohamed Ibrahim, who attended one of two crisis meetings held in Wajir by clan members who hosted Obama on his trip, said Washington must immediately make amends to them and especially to the elder pictured with him.
“The U.S. government must apologise to us as a clan and the old man,” Ibrahim told Reuters by telephone. “We have been offended and we cannot afford to just watch and stay silent.” He said it was essential Clinton “clear her name” too.
The old man in question was retired chief Sheikh Mohamed Hassan, a senior elder who deserved great respect, local residents said.
“He was the right person to perform any such activity like dressing a visitor like Obama with traditional Somali clothes,” said another Wajir community leader, Mukhtar Sheikh Nur. “We give special treatment and respect to any visitor.”
If there was no apology, the elders said, they would demand the expulsion of U.S. troops based near Garissa town .
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Support for Barack Obama as he contends for the chance run in the 2009 election on the Democratic ticket comes from many places, including a Jakarta school where he studied for two years, Detik.com reported.
Barry Soetoro
Eighteen of his classmates gathered Saturday at the public elementary school SDN Menteng 01 in Central Jakarta to declare the establishment of Obama Fans Club. “(The fans club) is our way to support to Barry,” said coordinator Rully Dasaad, referring to Obama’s nickname.
Hawaii-born Obama moved to Indonesia at the age of six to live with his mother, Ann Dunham, and Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro.
Obama’s Jakarta Trail
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."