With the March 4 primary elections bearing down on Texas and early voting already under way, many would assume I would either make an endorsement, or I would take part in the current discussion of the presidential primary taking place in this state. It seems, no matter where you turn, there are relentless exposure of and attack on Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Other than the three posts I wrote up, I refused to take in the election season demagoguery that has dominated the blogosphere and that has mesmerized liberals and radicals alike, therefore, I will not be making any endorsements.

It is hard to deny that after seven years of the Bush administration, we have become a country of repression, suppression, oppression and persecution; of perpetual fear and perpetual war; of growing militarism; and of an absence of rights, freedoms and liberties. It is inside the bowels of this once great nation one can see the constant pain in the eyes of the people so psychologically damaged by this administration.
The fact is people are in search of something that has been missing in our society for far too long — they are living a life driven by division and manipulation, a life that so poorly reflect the realities of their everyday lives.

In recent months, Senator Barack Obama has taken this country by storm. In a country that is emotionally bewildered, it is not surprising to see why there is such blind euphoria occurring in this fractured nation. This has nothing to do how people really see him – young, charismatic, and even heroic. This has to do with the message that is resonating so strongly with so many people.

Both candidates are calling for “unity.” But, those noble sentiments ring hollow as both candidates engage in a campaign that is based on divisive tactics. Despite our desire to forge a common commitment to important values, manipulative efforts directed by a relative few drive debates to extremes. The danger for the Democrats is that Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, desperate for victory next week, will savage each other in such ways as to provide an enormous amount of political ammunition for McCain and the Republicans in both the presidential and congressional contests.

With just a week to go until the make-or-break primaries, there is evidence of a covert campaign to undermine the presidential primaries. What is currently taking place is a political divide and conquer in the form of “he said she said” that is driven by the likes of Karl Rove and the same people who attacked John Kerry. And sadly, we are drinking it up like it is nectar.

The latest gaffe that is being reported by a known conservative operative, Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report, is suddenly taken as fact by the Obama supporters. While many of Obama’s supporters blame the Clinton camp, Newsweek’s political blogger Andrew Romano is suggesting there is more to this than meets the eye. Romano speculates is possibly was a ploy by an “anti-Democrat operative … attempting to tarnish both Clinton and Obama, bank-shot-style.”

Yet, we forget that it wasn’t too long there was a hit job by conservatives regarding Obama’s religious beliefs. Since everybody is so focused on whom they are supporting, nobody is seeing things clearly. As the old saying goes, “the last thing a fish notices is the water it swims in.”

It is clear with all high emotions that have engulfed the blogosphere, everybody is ignoring the actual elephant in the room. That would be Karl Rove and the Republican-funded group now called Swift Vets (formally known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth) and POWS for Truth. According to Diversity Inc, the Swift boat people are at it again. They are behind the “Is Obama unpatriotic” meme. I wouldn’t be surprise if Karl Rove or the Swift People are feeding the Obama and Hillary campaign all this bullshit about what one campaign is saying about the other and the diehards have allowed themselves to be bamboozled.

While I should be excited that we have arrived at a historic time for all of us, I am sorry to say that I feel so fatigued and cynical about the whole process. The constant bombardment of political bickering is too much — so much that civil discourse has been thrown out the widow. To the point where folks are no longer open for discussions, comments about one candidate or another are negatively taken the wrong way, and folks needling other people over support of one candidate or another. Even worse, there are incidents of political blackmail from supporters stating that if their candidates don’t get the nomination, they will either not vote for the winner or they will support the candidate who has promised to commit us to a 100 year war.

I understand that it’s an election, and like any competition, we also want our side to win. However, this type of win-at-all-costs approach is uncalled for. And using the immortal words of Jon Stewart, I say, “Stop, stop, stop, stop hurting America. Right now, you’re helping the politicians and the corporations.” Make no mistake, both candidates are politicians. Both are resorting to hackneyed political phrases. Both camps run the risk of reaching a person’s threshold that can eventually lead to a person not voting period. All one has to do is look at one of Obama’s biggest supporter – Obama Girl – who actually did not even vote in the primaries.

As we strive for reform, make no mistake — we will be confronted with an uphill battle against those determined to keep the status quo. It is important to watch for the dangerous distraction that will pop up between now and March 4. But we must never forget how we got into this situation. And we must never forget the change we need in society will come only through our direct efforts to move the country in a more progressive direction.

x-posted on Para Justicia y Libertad