Wow, it’s been busy around here.  I thought I’d get a chance to put this up over the weekend, then Monday, and now it’s Wednesday afternoon already…
Well, after ripping and re-starting my sweater sleeves last week, I got a little side-tracked with these little mitts for CBtE:

I had to laugh, they took me about 6 hours to make, they’re nothing more than a ball of Noro Kureyon, with 33 stitches cast on and worked in K2P1 rib for 5 inches, add the thumb from fetching, and continue on in rib for 3 more inches, and this is what earns me the title of “Most awesome knitter” from my oldest?  Heh.  I wish everything was always that simple and met with such enthusiasm.

But after that brief and happy hiatus, I went back to my sweater.  And with the debates in OH and TX, I got my sleeves finished:

I wish I could get a better picture of them; the color is off, but it’s the only way I could get the cabling to show up well.  (Maybe olivia will drop by and give me some pointers on photography…)

And then, I just have to share this video of the Yarn Harlot knitting a sock.  How does she do that so fast?  I had just been reading her blog, wondering how she could knit a whole sock on a plane flight, and then I came across this…now I know.

Which brings me to my question for this you knit English style, or continental style, or some mix of both?  

I learned English when I was about six years old, and have tried to get the hang of continental as an adult, but I just can’t figure out how to purl that way and make it work. And that’s what’s needing me this week.  🙂