(Cross posted at My Left Wing.)

Booman asks What Now? after last night’s Clinton victory. (A successfully spun victory, spin being all that really counts now anyway.)

What now?

I got yer answer, Booman.

Right here.

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Read on for more.

What now?

Here’s the deal, Booman.

Clinton is going to fight to the last man.

Bet on it.

She is going to fight until the convention and go into it with the popular delegate count about 48% to 52% or even better. At least the same as it is now and probably better because she will get a huge popular bounce from last night.

Obama 1257, Clinton 1127 in the popular primary vote so far.

Roughly 48%/52% (Figures from CNN.)

She now has 238 superdelegates as opposed to 194 for Obama. (No coincidence that the inside game favors Clinton by 55%-45%, either.) Percentages including superdelegates? 48.5 for Clinton, 51.5 for Obama.

There are a total of 796 superdelegates, excluding those from Florida and Michigan. That means that there are now 364 so-called “uncommitted” superdelegates. (As if the ones who are now on anyone’s balance sheet will not be in play for political favors, etc. Remember, this is Crooked America on BOTH sides of the aisle. And we are excluding the Michigan/Florida question here, which I will guarantee the Clinton insiders are now hustling for everything that it is potentially worth to them.)

You can also bet that they are hustling a big endorsement or two or three from…somebody. Anybody. Gore. Edwards. Carter. Satan. You name it. For reward, due to blackmail…you choose the payment and/or tactic; they will hustle it up.

It’s what they have done successfully since their Arkansas days. It’s called “American electoral politics”, and it is ALWAYS what’s for dinner here. Has been since the 1700s and it ain’t about to change now.

End result?

At best, a deadlocked convention decided on the inside and smoothed over by the media. There won’t be any 1968-style Chicago protest, for SURE. Not in present day, media-hypnotized FatMerica there won’t.

Here is what is up. Right now. The Obama novelty thing is wearing off in the ratings game and being replaced by the gritty Hillary meme as we speak.

( CNN right now-10:46AM EST, Wed., 3/5/08.)

Clinton: Campaign has ‘turned a corner’

Sen. Hillary Clinton Wednesday said her campaign had “turned a corner” with dramatic wins in Ohio and Texas Tuesday night.

She also hinted she would consider a joint ticket with her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama.

The New York Democrat broke a 12-contest winning streak by Obama.

Clinton also won Rhode Island, while Obama won Vermont. Clinton’svictories mean the Democratic race will continue at least through the Pennsylvania primary on April 22.

Clinton attributed her wins to the belief of voters that she would be the best candidate to protect the nation.

“For me, this election has always been about who can be the best president, and, you know, that includes who can be the best commander in chief,” she told CNN Wednesday.

Voters also choose her because she would be the best candidate to challenge Sen. John McCain, who locked up the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday night, on national security issues in the fall, she said.

“People who voted a month ago didn’t know who the Republican nominee was going to be. They didn’t perhaps factor in that it will be about national security because, indeed, with Senator McCain, that’s what it will be about,” she said. CNN’s political team weighs in on the results »

Clinton also hinted that she would be open to a Clinton-Obama ticket in the fall.

“Well, that may, you know, be where this is headed,” Clinton told CBS Wednesday. “But, of course, we have to decide who’s on top of the ticket, and I think that the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me.”

Did you not see it last night? Obama knows. (Thus that desperation speech in Austin. Maybe eloquence will turn the tide against sheer hustle, but I doubt it myself.) Hillary knows. Even Tweety Bird knows, although his desire to sleep with Obama continues to override all else in his consciousness. Olbermann most CERTAINLY knows and is straddling the line with truly virtuoso mainstream media chops.

And here is the Clinton spin for the duration of this campaign. The public part.

I am a better, more experienced candidate. I have better credentials regarding the whole defense thing. MUCH better. I can beat McCain at his own game. Senator Obama is and has been a very worthy opponent, but he is not ready yet. Eight years as my Vice President and he WILL be ready.

End of public game.

It’ll work, too.


Inside game??

She’s got the pull. Almost 20 years’ worth.

Plus…I will bet you that the movers and shakers in the armed forces are 98% in her corner. Watch. You will see them begin to come out soon. Watch Murtha.

Any of you who still think…after the electoral farces of 2000 + 2004…that this is some sort of honorable, one man/one vote system are living so high on the credulity index that I cannot even begin to describe the extent of your ongoing delusion.

This superdelegates thing? It’s just the electoral college writ small. And you DO remember where that shit went in 2000 + 2004, don’t you?

The Michigan/Florida hustle?

It will be decided by insiders.

The same sorts of insiders who decided the elections in 2000 and 2004.

INSIDE insiders.

And it will go…whichever way it goes…to Clinton.

Insiders always go to insiders.

That’ s how they got inside in the first place.

And there we will have it.

Clinton/Obama in ’08 if Obama says yes, and Clinton/Someone Else if he says no. (My bet? Against McCain? Wesley Clark. Bring on the military.)


Ain’t democracy grand?