This is too good not to pass along. Remember that "who do you want answering the phone at 3 a.m. ad"? Remember this sleeping girl?
According to a report on KING5, an NBC affiliate station in Seattle, Washington:
The first girl in the ad is young Casey Knowles. It’s stock footage from 8 years ago when she worked as a TV extra – footage owned now by Getty Images and used by the Clinton campaign.
Here’s Casey today. She’s 17 years old and an Obama supporter (and will turn 18 well before the general election in November).
“It’s perfect timing because I have a candidate that I really identify with,”; she said. “I’ve been campaigning for Barack Obama for a few months now,” she said. “I was actually a precinct captain at the caucuses a few months ago. I attended his rally a few months ago and I’, a very, very avid supporter.”
The Knowles family admit they have no control over how the footage is used. And while they see the humor of it all, they are mildly annoyed.
“I think it would be really wonderful if me and Barack Obama could get together and make a nice counter ad,” she laughed.
Also posted here.
I read about it early this morning and told curly about it when she got up. We both had a great laugh. Talk about hight of irony.
Damn, I wish Obama’s campaign would show that to reporters on the plane! 😉
Reminds me of my favorite sequence from The Mummy:
Minutes later Beni was being eaten alive by undead bugs…
CNN just did a segment on this tonight. Woohoo!
I saw that segment a little earlier–some time this afternoon. Really glad to see it get some coverage. Hope it gets more during the week when people are watching.
She should introduce him at his rallies in PA!
They wouldn’t even have to pull her out of school. If her spring break is the same time as my granddaughter’s (not a given, but it should be close) the campaign could fly her out to PA, she could do rallies in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (maybe even one or two more in other large urban areas like Erie or Allentown) and be back in time for classes the next week.
I wrote about this earlier today. I wish I’d known about this entry before, or otherwise I’d not have wasted half my daily entry allowance here. Do you think the Clinton campaign shall learn from this, to make its own material instead of lifting from old footage?