We have had five years of useless death and destruction in Iraq based on the lies of war profiteers and neocon madmen. I still can hear Dick Cheney promising that we will be greeted as liberators and that his PNAC war would be short and sweet.  I still have images Colin Powell in my psyche with his charts and maps and photographs…declaring that we were in imminent danger of death by WMD.

The news networks tell us nothing. George Bush still goes to bed at 9 pm and sleeps like a baby.  He is a man without conscience.  

Editorial today at http://TvNewsLIES.org/tvnl asks a good question.  It begins like this:

Celebrating the Anniversary, Mr. Bush?      

The war against Iraq began at 5:30 AM Baghdad time (9:30 PM EST, March 19), when the U.S. launched Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Five years, George.  Five ugly, deadly, bloody years.  This is quite an anniversary. If you wait a day or two, you’ll be able to celebrate the 4,000th US military death as well.
Break out the champagne.

It’s been a fairly quiet five years, George. No photos of the dead or dying.  No flag-draped coffins, no talk of the legless, blinded or horribly burned.   Not a murmur about hundreds of thousands of dead and terribly injured Iraqis.  No concern about the millions who had to flee the country of their fathers… no fanfare about daisy cutters or depleted uranium.  Celebrate….we’re making progress.

Great news management, George, -you’d hardly know such carnage was involved. .  Good for you.

You’ve waged such a clean, carefree war, George, if just a tad costly.  That $12 billion a month you’re spending on this foray really is hardly worth a mention, considering what you’ve done to the dollar. But, a cash cow is a cash cow.  Let’s drink to that….

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