I have a week’s reprieve from the impact of DST…everyone is off school this week. We have big plans: CBtY is getting braces ON today, CBtE is getting them OFF next Monday.
We hit the Endless Caverns on the way down Friday night…very cool rock formations, and I have special critter pictures from there (yes, I had a major anxiety attack for the first 15 minutes of the tour).
Monticello was excellent. It’s gorgeous up there on the mountain, and he was interested in and did so many things, it’s incredible. They have a slave life tour that’s really interesting too, maybe even more so than the house. It was funny to hear that James Madison was there so often he basically had his own bedroom…I can only imagine what their version of drinking liberally was like.
We wandered through UVA, which was also cool. I love the 4th year student residences along that lawn in front of the rotunda there…it looks like a fun place to live and go to school.
It rained hard Saturday night, so we pretty much just came home yesterday after a leisurely breakfast.
If we get a particularly nice day this week (and I have my work done), I may drag the boys out to Hawk mountain or down to Harper’s Ferry for the Maryland Heights trail hike.
I liked that wall too! And I loved the free public transportation from the downtown mall out to the University and back. Clean and easy to use, what a concept. And the slightly milder weather was a plus too. I had neighbors who went there to visit years ago, and in pretty short order moved down there. Now I know why.
I was bummed that we didn’t get to go on the hike, though.
Are you doing anything special this week, besides visiting moms?
We were going to do a few hikes but the forecast is just awful (up to 4″ of rain tomorrow and rain most of the week) so it looks like just long walks at home and lots of reading.
Lots of reading and long walk time doesn’t sound too bad either.
I just started Sarah Chayes’ “Punishment of Virtue”, and it seems pretty good so far. She’s the (former?) NPR reporter who went to Afghanistan in fall of 2001 and has been living their trying to improve things there ever since. Very interesting.
So far I’ve read the Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff which I loved and have just about finished Alice a biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth by Stacy Cordery which is very good.
Welp, gonna go for a walk and then off to my mom’s. Enjoy your testerone-filled house. 🙂
Ooh, that does look eerie. In contrast, my new bedroom has two skylights and a big picture window, and with my lifelong fetish for things that produce rainbows (growing up in Cleveland you grab any little bit of light that you can) it is a riotous profusion of sparkles and light on sunny mornings. And the vast majority of mornings are sunny here. Yay!
Skylights sound nice — we have a couple, though not in the bedroom. Then again we have the porch and sliding glass door on the bedroom and that lets lots and lots of light in.
We won’t do anything about a new dog until some time in April.
The sky has gone from brown to grey. There are no fires near us, but there are enough within a hundred mile radius to have the whole area hazy with smoke.
At least the temperature has dropped a good 10C/18F degrees, and there are a few small showers predicted for this afternoon.
Good morning, Andi!
Isn’t it great?
I’m skipping the slacking today – an important document to finalize this morning and I’ve been at it since before 6…
Good morning everybody! I’m back from an early trip to the train station to drop someone off to go the Constitution Center. Now I just have to get CBtY ready to go to the beach with his friends, and I almost have the house to myself.
Anyone else planning on watching Obama’s speech today? I think it’s on CNN.
that old one was getting a little tired…
Happy vacation, Andi!
I’m sorry you’re melting in the heat, keres.
And a happy Monday to ask.
I have a week’s reprieve from the impact of DST…everyone is off school this week. We have big plans: CBtY is getting braces ON today, CBtE is getting them OFF next Monday.
When are you going to Virginia?
We went over the weekend. Weren’t we sneaky? 😉
We hit the Endless Caverns on the way down Friday night…very cool rock formations, and I have special critter pictures from there (yes, I had a major anxiety attack for the first 15 minutes of the tour).
Monticello was excellent. It’s gorgeous up there on the mountain, and he was interested in and did so many things, it’s incredible. They have a slave life tour that’s really interesting too, maybe even more so than the house. It was funny to hear that James Madison was there so often he basically had his own bedroom…I can only imagine what their version of drinking liberally was like.
We wandered through UVA, which was also cool. I love the 4th year student residences along that lawn in front of the rotunda there…it looks like a fun place to live and go to school.
It rained hard Saturday night, so we pretty much just came home yesterday after a leisurely breakfast.
If we get a particularly nice day this week (and I have my work done), I may drag the boys out to Hawk mountain or down to Harper’s Ferry for the Maryland Heights trail hike.
Yeah, Monticello is fascinating and I liked the slave quarters tour as well — I think it’s vitally important to give people the full picture.
The serpentine brick wall is my favorite “building” at Virginia.
I liked that wall too! And I loved the free public transportation from the downtown mall out to the University and back. Clean and easy to use, what a concept. And the slightly milder weather was a plus too. I had neighbors who went there to visit years ago, and in pretty short order moved down there. Now I know why.
I was bummed that we didn’t get to go on the hike, though.
Are you doing anything special this week, besides visiting moms?
We were going to do a few hikes but the forecast is just awful (up to 4″ of rain tomorrow and rain most of the week) so it looks like just long walks at home and lots of reading.
Lots of reading and long walk time doesn’t sound too bad either.
I just started Sarah Chayes’ “Punishment of Virtue”, and it seems pretty good so far. She’s the (former?) NPR reporter who went to Afghanistan in fall of 2001 and has been living their trying to improve things there ever since. Very interesting.
So far I’ve read the Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff which I loved and have just about finished Alice a biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth by Stacy Cordery which is very good.
Welp, gonna go for a walk and then off to my mom’s. Enjoy your testerone-filled house. 🙂
At least that’s what I kept thinking when looking at this scene. Fog can make the most mundane place look scary.
Click for larger image
Ooh, that does look eerie. In contrast, my new bedroom has two skylights and a big picture window, and with my lifelong fetish for things that produce rainbows (growing up in Cleveland you grab any little bit of light that you can) it is a riotous profusion of sparkles and light on sunny mornings. And the vast majority of mornings are sunny here. Yay!
Any news on the puppy front?
You have a new bedroom with skylights? I bet it looks great with all your rainbow sparklies.
It is very hard to sleep past daybreak because of it!
You’ve got a houseful of boys all week, huh? Hope the weather cooperates for you.
I hope so too. I also hope I don’t get pressed into constant taxi driver service this week…
Skylights sound nice — we have a couple, though not in the bedroom. Then again we have the porch and sliding glass door on the bedroom and that lets lots and lots of light in.
We won’t do anything about a new dog until some time in April.
Good morning all. A chilly day here in the Valley, down to the teens with the wind chill. Off to do work.
Good morning, b2.
It really is chilly this morning. Our visit to Virginia made us think it might be spring.
Have a good day at work.
Good morning, all. I just had to share Captain Future’s cool St. Patrick’s Day bumpersticker.
I had no idea the guy was Irish.
This sums up my feelings about marriage these days:
Hi everyone.
The sky has gone from brown to grey. There are no fires near us, but there are enough within a hundred mile radius to have the whole area hazy with smoke.
At least the temperature has dropped a good 10C/18F degrees, and there are a few small showers predicted for this afternoon.
I can see why FM is so into it.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.
Now I have to envy both of you!
Well in my case, you only have to be jealous until the weekend and then I’m back to being a wage drudge and being envious of FM.
I’ll be envying you until Monday too..sigh.
I just got a lot of work, all with deadlines at the beginning of next week. Urgh.
Good morning, Andi!
Isn’t it great?
I’m skipping the slacking today – an important document to finalize this morning and I’ve been at it since before 6…
Well I hope you get that doc wrapped up soon so you can make a triumphal return to being and nothingness. 😉
Good morning everybody! I’m back from an early trip to the train station to drop someone off to go the Constitution Center. Now I just have to get CBtY ready to go to the beach with his friends, and I almost have the house to myself.
Anyone else planning on watching Obama’s speech today? I think it’s on CNN.
I’m on a viewer/reader/listener strike of everything political said by anyone anywhere about anything.
I’m watching for a guy wearing a green sweater in the crowd. 😉
Okay, so you have a reason but I’m staying on strike ’cause I know I’ll be much happier if I do.
4″ inches in the last 36 hours and more to come. Blecch.
Click for larger image
Good morning!
The same has hit us, it’s been pouring down all night and no end in sight. That image is art!
We’ll be driving over to Cincy to see Jim’s mom in a bit so I guess at least we won’t be wasting a nice day.
Thanks for the compliment on the picture.
Still in drought here.
We got the whopping 3 mils yesterday. At least it was enough to clear the smoke from the air.
Hi Jim! That’s one thing a rainy day is good for.
Hope there is no flooding after all that rain.
We got the start of the wet weather last night, and it’s totally gray and misty here today. I wonder how CBtY is making out at the beach?
Have a nice time in Cincy.
Same here, and it’s supposed to get worse.
I am so glad we went away over the weekend and didn’t wait till midweek. Why is the weather always crappy when the kids are off school?
Is b2boy off this week or next?
He’s off only on Friday this week. With the crappy weather, the kids are off but have to stay inside. It sucks.
bummer on the weather for some of you…today…mid 50’s, sunny, w/ a light breeze…aahhhhhh.
the 6″ of snow we got on monday is about gone, and l’m headed out for an afternoon in the sun.
clik to enlarge
rubbing it in?
I’ll see your mid-50s and raise you a 72 and cloudy with a stiff warm breeze and the threat of thunderstorms.
8 inches of rain since Monday night but we were “lucky” — places to the south of us got over 13 inches, 6 of it in one day.
Oh gawd, what a mess. Do you have a basement?