Chester County, Pennsylvania is historically one of the most Republican counties in the state. The Democratic Party here has atrophied down to almost nothing. It should be prime exurban territory for a big Hillary Clinton win driven by rich, white suburban moms, DLC targeted tax-averse Dads, and (if they register Dem early enough) some mischievous Limbaugh cross-over voters. The minority population in Chester County is negligible, although there is a large Hispanic presence in the southern portion of the county that was brought in to pick mushrooms. Obama can draw support from few college towns (although West Chester University is in the county seat). But there is one problem for Clinton. She is being flat-out outhustled.
If you go to their respective websites and look for events in Chester County, the difference is stark. Obama supporters have set up 27 events within 10 miles of where I live. Clinton supporters have set up two, and neither of them are before the voter registration cut-off date. Here are the Clinton events.
04/17 Reachout to voters at our Berwyn phone Bank! (Berwyn)
We need your tireless enthusiasm to reach out to voters by phone at our Phoenixville Phone bank. We need to thank those who are going to vote for Hillary and we need to speak to those voters who are still undecided. The countdown to Pennsylvania is here! Please come out, bring a friend and help us…
04/02 Time to get on the phones! For our experienced Presidential candidate! Phone bank in Phoenixville! (Phoenixville)
We need your tireless enthusiasm to reach out to voters by phone at our Phoenixville Phone bank. We need to thank those who are going to vote for Hillary and we need to speak to those voters who are still undecided. The countdown to Pennsylvania is here! Please come out, bring a friend and help us…
Two pathetic phone banking events. In contrast, the Obama campaign has a grand campaign headquarters-opening event in West Chester tonight. And take a look at the voter reg events being organized between now and the March 24th cut-off.
Thursday, March 20 at 9:00 AM Gryphon Coffee Company (Wayne, PA)- Please join us in registering voters in Wayne and surrounding areas during these critical final days before the March 24th deadline.
Thursday, March 20 at 11:00 AM
150 Radnor Chester Road (Radnor, PA) – Registering voters in the atrium of of a large corporate center during lunch time. This is a true service to busy employees at this attractive…Thursday, March 20 at 5:30 PM
Artisans’ Gallery and Cafe (Phoenixville, PA) –
Volunteers are needed to do door-to-door canvas- sing to register voters who want to vote in the April 22nd Primary. March 24th is the deadline to register…Thursday, March 20 at 6:00 PM
Kimberton Whole Foods (Kimberton, PA)
Just a few days left to register…we will be canvassing independent voters in Kimberton. We will meet at 6pm at the Kimberton Whole Foods, in…Friday, March 21 at 9:00 AM
Gryphon Coffee Company (Wayne, PA) – away
Please join the Obama campaign in registering voters in Wayne and surrounding areas during these critical final days before the March 24th deadline.Friday, March 21 at 10:00 AM
By Trader Joes at Gateway Shopping Center (Wayne, PA) A table will be set up for general voter registration outside the Great Earth vitamins shop next door to Trader Joes at the Gateway Shopping…Friday, March 21 at 10:00 AM
ACME market in Strafford (Stratford, PA)
Registering voters at the ACME Market in Strafford during one of its busiest times – the Friday and Saturday before Easter. It will be the…Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 AM
Gryphon Coffee Company (Wayne, PA) -Please join the Obama campaign in registering voters in Wayne and surrounding areas during these critical final days before the March 24th deadline.Saturday, March 22 at 10:00 AM
By Trader Joes at Gateway Shopping Center (Wayne, PA) – A table will be set up for general voter registration outside the Great Earth vitamins shop next door to Trader Joes at the Gateway Shopping…Saturday, March 22 at 10:00 AM
ACME Market Strafford (Wayne, PA) – Registering voters at the ACME Market in Strafford during one of its busiest times – the Friday and Saturday before Easter. It will be the…Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 PM
Acme Supermarket (Chester Springs, PA) – away
Join Chester Springs for Obama and Northern Chester County for Obama for this community service event. We will be setting up a table outside Acme…Sunday, March 23 at 12:00 PM
St. Paul’s Baptist Church (West Chester, PA)
Voter Registration (outside) St. Paul’s Baptist Church 11:30 a.m. – meet in parking lot One Hagerty Blvd. West Chester, PA
I culled this list of meetups and fundraisers, and it only includes events within 10 miles my zip code. But you get the point. Clinton has no one on the ground doing voter reg, while Obama’s people have been set up at the public libraries, the malls, the shopping centers, churches, and going door-to-door. And this is being replicated all over the state. Clinton is very fortunate that voter reg ends on Monday. Given another month to work, Obama’s volunteers would bring in an army of new voters.
And what does that tell us about their viability as candidates in the fall?
A reader sent me an email telling me that the Asst. Director at the Sec. of State for Chester Co. says they are processing 2,000 voter registrations a day.
That’s one county, folks, and it’s mostly Obama voters.
Music BooMan, Play it again bro.
I’m kinda hearing-challenged today. Can you please (I’m on my knees here) please repeat that. Was it a typo?
So kind of you. It’s a pattern. Expect no less.
As I wrote down -thread; di man has 4 weeks to catch up.
yes, but it all ends Monday, because that is the last day that you can register to vote or change your affiliation to ‘Democrat’.
every lil’ bit helps.
But . . . but . . . but but but but but Wright! Rezko! Hussein! Ummmm . . . Harvard! Big ears! Did I mention Wright?
I said Obama should be doing a 69-county strategy in PA. Maybe he was listening to me . . . or maybe I was the last guy on the planet to figure it out.
LOL! Did you also read that Hillary is trying to use Wright to appeal to super delegates?
I think we’re going to get a surprising outcome from PA.
I did. I don’t mind saying that I was disgusted, especially in the light of McCain “suspending” someone for posting a reprehensible Obama/Wright video.
will the candidates be visiting Chester itself?
or is that in Delaware County?
Chester is in Delaware Co.
and besides, no one cares about Chester anyway.
That’s been obvious for years.
very obvious.
“But you get the point. Clinton has no one on the ground doing voter reg, while Obama’s people have been set up at the public libraries, the malls, the shopping centers, churches, and going door-to-door.”
Clinton need not hustle. PA is low fruit for the taking. She’s resting on the polls, laid back –
TPM gladly notes: She’s up 16 pts in PA and leading Obama nationally, as per Gallup.
HRC: “Me worry. Not much. I’m counting on Wright and the seating of MI and FL delegates. Super-delegates, I told them Obama is unelectable”
Shhhhh, don’t mention.. the man has 4 weeks to catch up. And Dick Morris says, “It’s Over.”
She was up 19 or 20 just a couple of days ago. Her mark has been set. Anything below that and the win–if she gets it–will be weak.
I know there are a bunch of people in my congregation who are volunteering for Obama and going out and doing voter reg. They’ve also got our old sofa in their WC HQ (we just bought a new one. Saw several Obama buttons on folks at the peace vigil last night too. One HIllary lawn sign in the neighborhood.
I wonder if they’re doing voter reg. across the state line in DE. There’s a very busy Trader Joe’s there and most of the cars are PA plates. Same thing with Total Wine, but probably not as good hunting grounds.
Well, I think you’re wrong in your analysis of Chester County. Sure the Republicans are anti-tax but they’re not voting in the Democratic primary. Here’s my analysis of the Philly area. Philadelphia will go overwhelmingly for Obama of course. Though sections in the south and the northeast will for Clinton. The inner suburbs will go heavily for Clinton. The farther away from the city you go, the stronger the Obama support becomes until you hit Lancaster, Berks, and Lehigh counties. There the rural voters and the urban blue collars (in Lehigh) will heavily favor Clinton. I expect Bucks and Chester to go to Obama. It’s a little known fact that the Democrat who ran in PA-16 in 2006 actually won the portion (southern part) of the district in Chester county.
I’m here in a college town, and naturally the only ones working are the Obamaphiles. The “Hillblazers” are invisible. The Obama campaign is orchestrating the largest voter registration drive ever for a primary campaign. I can’t say if this will tip the scales in favor of Obama in PA. But it does seem like the hubris of the Clinton camp has returned. They think they can coast to victory in Pennsylvania. All her supporters think so too.