I was hoping that Sen. Bob Casey Jr. would endorse Obama, and now he has. It’s probably the most valuable endorsement that Obama could get in the Keystone State because Casey Jr. is most popular among the demographic/ideological/geographical groups where Obama is weakest. Casey’s base is made up of Catholics, and lower class men that used to work in the steel mills around Pittsburgh and in the Lehigh Valley. Obama needs to cut into Clinton’s lead in those areas of the state in order to pull out a victory based mainly on the vote from Philadelphia, the Philly suburbs, and Pittsburgh.
The last time the state had a competitive state wide primary was in 2002 when Casey and Rendell faced off in the gubernatorial race. Rendell won, but he only carried ten counties. And the ten counties that Rendell won are the same ten counties where Obama is likely to win.
As Obama sets out on a six-day bus tour of the state, it will be very helpful to him to have Sen. Casey in his entourage introducing him to party leaders and the people. It’s also a somewhat surprising development because Casey is usually a much more cautious politician than this. Apparently, his four daughters helped convince him to go with Obama.
202-224-6324: reward good behavior with a call to Senator Casey.
They were surprised to get such a positive call from me. Hell, I was surprised to be making the call, although I will admit casey’s been OK lately, especially on FISA.
Other than that stem-cell vote (which was HUUUUUGE) he has been excellent on votes and has done good committee work. But, then that stem-cell vote cost us a veto override and was unforgivable.
yeah, i was furious about that one. And his war vote was lame too. However, I think (I hope) he learned something from the attacks levied in his direction afterwards.
On a semi-related topic, I dropped by Talk Left today and have decided they have taken wishful thinking to a degree approaching insanity.
and I thought I was an irrational doofus.
Who needs redstate for comic relief when you have mydd and talkleft? 🙂
I don’t find Jerome amusing, I find him terribly offensive.
yeah, that’s another site that’s gone off into La-la Land, and again, makes me appear sober-minded and the voice of reason.
as if.
When this is all over, you’ll regain your sense of humor. And laugh. At him.
Some day we’ll all look back at this and laugh.
And then we’ll change the subject.
Today’s response to the Casey endorsement was so off the wall, ESPECIALLY coming from someone who had so publicly advocated for Casey’s senate run at the expense of women’s rights just a few years back, telling us women to just shut up and vote for him, that I found it highly amusing.
He has no shame.
A little humor. Via email from my friend the staunch Rep who is now voting for Obama this round…
“M- when is that bitch going to fold!!!!!!???”
Thanks for the information – I am a PA resident and called Senator Casey’s office and thanked him.
Leahy breaks the seal:
And lo, the seal was broken, and the moon became as black as pitch, and the seas boiled, and the wingnuts exploded and stuff and Hillary gave up…
Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
Casey strikes me as a very pragmatic vote-oriented politician. Don’t you think he’s just seen the writing on the wall and decided it’s time to face reality? If so, his endorsement has tremendous implications — could be the start of an avalanche.
Hopefully this will make a significant difference. Get ready for the HRC outrage du jur.
Obama opened up an 8 point lead over Hillary in Gallop’s Daily Tracking Poll.
Hillary’s national downward trend continues.
Hopefully that fact and Casey’s endorsement will cause the numbers in PA to move a bit toward him.
Of course PA is still Hillary’s to lose.
I’m glad Obama supporters in PA got the memo on how to talk about PA:
Was that unknown Obama backer you BooMan? 🙂
Of course I would prefer a statement that he wins if he loses by under 10 points.
If she wins by anything less than 20 points, it’s evidence that her kitchen sink strategy did nothing but bounce off the wall and hit her in the face.
I think all the stuff she’s been throwing is already bouncing off the wall and clogging her drain.
I’m trying to resist the temptation to say that drain was clogged a long time ago…
Obama has now finally regained the lead in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll also.
So, does this mean that he’s no longer an untested muslim that hasn’t been properly vetted by showing that he can respond to right-wing style attacks by making up stories about dodging sniper fire in bosnia?
Good news on both polls, btw.
For some reason, I find myself thinking about a sandwich bag filled with lukewarm Vaseline and crushed Valium tablets.
why? what are you going to do with it?
Man, you should never ask a question if you really don’t want to know the answer.
I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t really want to know…
Well, that makes one of us. Personally, I can’t think of any application Chris (or anyone else for that matter) could envision for a combination of lukewarm Vaseline and crushed Valium that I’d want to know about.