I know Michael Nutter and I like him very much. Which is why I find it so painful to see him pimp himself out to the Clintons in an utterly lost cause. That he would be a party to the attempted political race-assassination of Barack Obama is beyond disappointing. It’s unforgivable. And I’ll tell him that the next time I see him.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Goddamn it, Nutter. The cognitive dissonance pisses me off, given that when Nutter was running for mayor, he proclaimed his belief that Obama would be the nominee.
Fucking tool.
we reference those nutter types as HN. House Negroes there were many of those during slavery..drinking massa sugar water.
Nutter will seek re-election some time… we’re blessed with long memories.
I’m disappointed in Nutter over this as as well, but calling him house is a little more than just a little fucked up.
HN = turning on your own… especially Nutter will have read, heard Charles Rangel’s recent letter to The Black Star News; not to mention the Clintons and their surrogates playing the race cards throughout. Very demeaning. How many apologies over and over can one accept?
what does Nutter owe the Clinton machine? Maybe he believes the tin foil 1990s Clinton tales on Vince Foster.
Some super-delegates are very afraid.
I agree with Chris, but using his church against him was a low, low blow that Nutter should know better than to do, especially after that was attempted against him in the mayoral race.
that is ridiculous
i guess he isnt black enough for you?
how is obama blacker?
Didn’t Obama endorse Nutter’s opponent? That could explain a lot, though excuse nothing.
Yeah, Obama endorsed Chaka Fattah, but he never went out of his way to say anything bad about Nutter.
Nutter’s just being a jackass here. It’s really annoying.
he isnt being stubborn
i dont know whether the catholic church nutter belongs to is into liberation theology…there are several in this area that are pretty radical….but i do know that on friday obama said that he would have left his church if wright didnt step down. so essentially nutter and obama said the same thing.
1st off i dont believe him…i think he is lying and pandering at the same time….second i didnt see anything wrong with what wright had to say in his sermons except for the us giving aids to blacks….and i understand the context of that…..and third obama got the endorsement of the lack clergy….bunch of homophobes….they didnt endorse nutter….thank god…
i think nutter is being loyal…which is more than i can say for a lot of people….when the nominee is chosen nutter will back them and they will all join hands and unite to get a dem elected.
my esteem for nutter has risen from this.
I don’t see it as loyalty – pro or con – so much as simple politics. If you choose to involve yourself in a candidate’s race and endorse their opponent then when they win you can rest assured that they will do whatever they can to assist your opponent. I believe that’s a statement that just about any politician of any race in any party would assert, and I don’t hold it against Nutter that he’s doing exactly that. I think the church deal is a bit out of bounds on GP, but not to the extent of calling Nutter a Tom or a House Negro – I’d just call it politics as usual, with the understanding that endorsements have consequences, and not all of them are positive.
That’s true for Obama and Nutter…
He is stubbornly loyal to his causes; so I see this a demonstration of a good character trait.
But it still makes me sick.
Rendell holds the purse strings to the city of Philly. Very disappointed in Nutter – when he ran he ran as a rational independent thinker – to see him kissing the political machines butt is sad.