If you didn’t know John McCain from Adam, wouldn’t you think he was about the worst candidate you’ve ever seen? I mean, is anything he does not a disaster?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
hopefully the easier to beat….not quite sure his direction – embrace Bush on Tuesday a.m. or run from Bush on Tuesday afternoon.
surprised at his lack of knowledge on the main issues.
Isn’t that a title held by the current occupant of the office?
I think Mark Foley would be a worse disaster.
And funnier.
As a candidate, his general ineptitude is actually kinda funny. As President John McCain… well, that’s a pretty sobering thought. Go, Obama!
Seven years the GOP knew they didn’t have a VP to stand in line for the Pres slot, 7 years and this is the very best they could come up with?
McCain, if given half a chance, will lead his party off Bush’s cliff if he can just remember where it is. We may begin to say that McCain’s grasp of foreign policy is so forgetful that his acknowledged lack of economic policy is actually his strong suit.
They thought they had others. Allen, Santorum, probably a few I cant think of right now.
choices choices choices
Come to think of it, McCain does shine pretty bright next to Allen & Santorum.
In fact, it would surprise me not at all if the Republicans figured that out before their convention and found a way to deny him the nomination.
Important to remember that in the 97% of the electorate that doesn’t read Thinkprogress or progressive blogs, a lot of people actually like (or are open to liking) McCain. He’d be a terrible president, but shouldn’t be underestimated as a candidate.
He’s “disastered” himself into 28 years in the U.S., Legislature including 22 as a Senator and 8 as chairman of the very powerful Senate Commerce Committee.
Meanwhile…he has become a multi-multi-millionaire.
He’s got best dumb act in the federal government, if you ask me.
Do NOT understimate him as a candidate.
Do so at your own peril.
I agree with each of you. However, I am beginning to wonder it most of congress is not just like him by the way they work…[sigh]
When I think about how many times McCain has been re-elected to the Senate, I can’t believe he’s this out-of-it as a candidate for president. Of course, people do get older and forget what they used to know. But, maybe, just maybe, he thinks he doesn’t have a chance against Obama OR HRC so he’s not even trying. Or maybe, he’s smarter than them and knows whoever becomes the next president will have to swim thru shit and never smell good again.
Good points made.
it’s amazing watching st johns resurrection from the dead…just last august, ims, there was a death watch for his campaign; no one expected him to be in the race. now he’s the presumptive nominee, and polling highly in head to head polls re: the GE.
make no doubt about it, the man would, without question, be a terrible president. but tell that to the people who support him. as AG says above, do not underestimate him. nor should you underestimate the power of the media to catapult the propaganda and dominate the discussion…monologue, if you will.
glenn greenwald’s new book, “Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics” looks at this issue, according to his blurb at Salon today:
He’s a better candidate than he was a pilot.
All of this is true. However, if there is anything the last seven years have shown us:
The Republicans could run a shaved chimp and still win.
Glenn Greenwald’s post was all about how they have stupid policies, skewed execution, and downright disgusting goals; and manage to get enough people to vote for them anyway that they can steal the slim margin left.
Because they aren’t running on policy.
They are running on dreams.
Good Heavens, even they are smart enough to realize that if they ran on their real agenda, they would drive the electorate to bring back tar & feathering.
Obama has human imperfections and blind spots. But he seems to grasp what people want, and give it to them, while genuinely making his best effort to advance their real goals.
But I’m also supporting him because he is the only candidate the Democrats have come up with since Bill Clinton who is able to convey Mythic Stature.
That’s what people want. The sensible, intelligent part of the electorate understand policy and procedures.
But, obviously, half of the electorate DOES NOT.
They will make stabs at it, and pretend they are studying for their vote, but it’s a sham. They are going to go with their gut because all this foreign policy, economics, and weird acronyms means nothing to them.
They don’t understand it, and deep down, they know it.
So they aren’t going to make decisions on that basis.
We have to reach them. If we can’t pound facts into their head, we have to pound feelings into their heart.
It will take a while to reform the media. It might have to die and take a new shape. We don’t have time for that to happen.
But one thing we do have, that anyone can see; that the Republicans have royally fucked up anything they have touched.
That’s what we have to hammer home.
i couldn’t agree with you more, booman. amazing what he says and does.
but…..as long as the mainstream (conservaitve-reactionary) media loves him, it will be an uphill fight for obama after the nomination. if clinton somehow pulls off the coup d’etat and takes over…well, the demorats might not have a chance at the presidency. with obama their odds will increase every month.
plus what kind of ‘coat tails’ does mccain have…? it’s totally laughable. jajajaja. the republicans are mincemeat in the House and Senate