Seventeen thousand insignificant people crowded a Grand Forks, North Dakota arena to see the next President of the United States.
They were part of what Sen. Kent Conrad said, while introducing Obama, was the biggest political event “in my adult life.”
Alerus officials said more than 17,000 people joined, for a few hours, the North Dakota Democratic Party’s convention, cheering, stomping and yelling like a crowd at a rock concert when Obama took the stage, and throughout his 45-minute speech. Minutes before the speech started, a thousand or more still waiting in line were allowed to hurry in to stand on the floor after all the seats were full.
“Some people think the Democrats can’t win in North Dakota, so we shouldn’t put too much time in here,” Obama said. “I tell you what, we didn’t fly over North Dakota. We landed. We didn’t write off North Dakota.”
The crowd screamed approval and remained standing for several minutes, until Obama showed how he got his reputation for charming crowds.
“At least, feel free to have a seat, guys. That’s why you got chairs.” Most took him up on the offer, but several times during his 40-minute speech they rose again to their feet.
We have two Democratic senators from North Dakota that typically win reelection by wide margins. There is no reason to write off North Dakota. Barack Obama can win there. And even if he doesn’t, he just pumped up the local Democratic Party as Dick Cheney would say, “Big Time”.
Barack Obama impresses me more and more everyday!!! His speech yesterday was incredible and the way he has campaigned in EVERY state and not just when they were in play(like Hillary in Texas) shows that he is a candidate for all people and realizes that it will take all of us working together to fix the problems America faces.
The same people who did such a great video for Obama slam McCain for his idiotic stances on the war.
That’s John.I.Is or something like that. This is a parody video that came out right after the video.
I hadn’t seen it before and thought it was great. LOL
I liked at the end of it…just killed me.
I had no idea Dorgan was a Dem. I had just assumed…North Dakota = Rep. and that Conrad was a fluke. I had to go look it up. I mean, it should be good enougn that a California resident even knows North Dakota’s Senators, but party affiliation? Pfffft.
Wow! 17,000 in North Dakota.. was that a typo?
insignificant people. I’ll take some more of those…all the way to November.
btw, good tactic now that the Michigan re-vote is dead. dead., Obama camp has called for a 50/50 split of the delegation
more than fair. it’s generous considering Hillary violated her pledge not to campaign there.
h/t to Maria Gomez at TPM she leads me to a story from The Register-Guard where a Clinton spokesperson calls the 10K (3000 who were turned away) people who showed up to see Obama speak last month “irregular” people.
So now the list of insignificant voters is:
She’s still got a few more groups to insult. I almost want her to win the nomination just to see her try to kiss the asses of black people and activists in particular. It’s nice to see the Clinton’s campaign echoing Chris Matthews. Very nice.
Has this sour grapes attitude turned Clinton’s face purple yet?
I can’t wait to see the big blue country we all live in on the election maps, the day after the elections this year.
17,000 is very impressive. I’d really love to pick off some of the states out in the Plains. That would be the perfect slap in the face to the DLC crowd. A few in the Plains, a few out in the West, maybe a couple in the South, and hold the Kerry states. A nice, broad coalition.
if the Clinton tall tales get debunked, we may get your wish. Clinton continues to be pinned down under sniper fire.
That’s just disgusting. As if the handful of non-for-profit medical establishments don’t have enough problems?
Thanks for the link. But – yargh! yuck! Such horrible tactics.
Yeah, that’s what offended me. Throwing that on the hospital is really disgusting. And, as SusanG pointed out, it’s not as though there aren’t enough horror stories of health care to tell.
But this is Hillary Clinton, who tries to look tough by claiming to run from imaginary snipers. Why should this surprise us?
A slim chance Kansas will go Obama, but McCain and Airbus Tanker deal does not play well statewide. Especially, in Wichita where the aviation industry is the biggest employer: