Got any predictions?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Got any predictions?
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I wonder if Obama ever called his wife a cunt in public like the distinguished Sen. McCain apparently did:
Well, THAT’S certainly some straight talk. Jeebus.
Cindy shoulda belted him for that one. It’s not like McCain could have hit her back, since his arms don’t work.
My prediction? I dunno, I’ll say something stupid an offensive to someone I shouldn’t within the next 24 hours?
The story certainly fits well within the “McCain quick to anger” framework which he has grown up around him over the years from the many documented blowups and incidents which have occurred.
This one, as damning as it would be if it is actually true, still seems like it might have a little Drudge-ian feel to it, doesn’t it?
But hey, what’s good for the goose……….
Nice guy.
And she stayed with with him? Geeze!
Out on a limb. Hopeful
Obama wins PA. He’s been closing the gap, two points increment.
so by April 22, it could be interesting.
Let’s keep MI and FL issue alive. Now Hillary’s only hope.
ARG is crap. Pennsylvania is Hillary’s to lose.
And on election night all the media are hopefully going to be dutifully repeating the Obama Camp’s contention that they don’t expect to win Pennsylvania. He seems to be learning to manage expectations.
ARG may not have the best record. However plenty other polls have shown the race in PA tightening – a 2-3% point two polls.
April 2- April 5
PPP (.pdf) and Insider Advantage polls: 45-43. Quinnipac had a 9 point Clinton lead 50 -41.
I recall Clinton started out with a 20 point lead?
You are off message.
Pennsylvania is Clinton’s to lose. A tightening race is bad news for her because she needs a HUGE victory – at least 20 points. But it’s still hers to lose.
I don’t want to see the words Pennsylvania, Obama and win come out of your … fingers … in the same sentence.
Listen to maryb and repeat after me: “Anything less than a 20-point blowout in PA is a crushing loss for team Clinton.”
“anything less than a 20-point blowout in PA is a crushing loss for team Clinton.”
Hillary will find a “it depends”
I know we should hold down expectations. No jinx-ing. But to steal a dicky phrase, HRC is “in her last throes.” for real.
Hillary needs to find Closure
No Really, She should Go
Wretched rationalizations for Hillary Clinton’s kamikaze campaign.
from the Chait, TNR link:
No Hillary, made Penn. her firewall state she has to win by a landslide I say 30% (+) plus. Anything less that 30% percent is a failure and loss for her.
I agree with you that it’s all over but for the proverbial singing…but we started the last 4 weeks out with an expectation from team Clinton of coasting to to a HUGE win in PA, and dammit, I’m holding them to their word.
oh my, CG better not hold your breath or make a bet on holding Hillary to her word, verbal or written.
She wiggles as well as she lies.
Texas was ‘a do or die.’ Her alamo. Her firewall. When all was counted, Obama won the most delegates in that contest. Today we read Hillary as saying pledged delegates are not pledged.
so it really depends Hillary’s keeps shifting the goal post … right out of the stadium at this point.
Hey, when they start pushing the idea that Hillary would be winning the nomination if they used a fair system, like the electoral vote system, you know that the goal posts probably aren’t even located within the continental US anymore. She’s had more firewalls than states she’s won.
It was only a few short weeks ago that there was a lot of brave talk about how Clinton would crush Obama and that Pennsylvania would spring her back into the race. I agree with maryb that Clinton will win it (unless she loses it), but if we’re not talking about a twenty-point blowout it’s over but spending the last of Clinton campaign money.
I’m sticking with my prediction that this will be over on June 6. I see Bowers is going with June 9 (at least he’s kinda sorta going with it).
Which is more likely? A Friday or a Monday? I’m sticking with Friday.
Early June, huh?
Let’s see, that’s one-third of a Friedman Unit, right??
It can’t pass quick enough in my book.
My prediction is that former Congressman Jim Slattery will defeat the incumbent Pat Roberts in the Kansas Senatorial race. Slattery still hasn’t formally announced his candidacy, but word ’round the campfire is that Joe Trippi is on the Slattery team, so he should hit the ground running when he does announce.
I’ll open my checkbook for Jim Slattery.
This is pretty cool – after counting the new registrations, Bucks County and Montgomery County (out in the Philly ‘burbs) have more registered Democrats than Republicans.
That’s very cool.
I don’t know Pennsylvania but I did spend Labor Day weekend in 2001 driving all over Bucks County and if asked I would have guessed it was a demographic that was reliably Republican. So this is interesting.
In 2001, you’d have been right.
Bucks county was the ickiest place I have ever lived…
It’s been historically Republican, but it’s also Patrick Murphy’s district – and it’s voted Democratic in the last 4 presidential elections (IIRC; definitely since 2000). Basically, this was sort of the ‘formal’ conversion of the district to the way it’s been voting. I’m sure local Republicans will still do well, but the national GOP’s chances in Bucks are probably long gone.
This is an issue which had been near non-existent up to this point. But come the general, it will as always, become a big cause celebre of the right wing.
Can a trip in camos to Charlton Heston’s grave be far off?
For God’s sake, let’s not have another one of these stunts.
Big city Rendell did OK with blue-collar rurals because he does the Eagles postgame show–as mayor, as general citizen, and as governor. They knew him from sports on TV.
Obama supposedly plays great basketball, so maybe he should shoot hoops publicly. Every house with kids in suburban central Pennsylvania has a basketball hoop on the driveway, so there are plenty of opportunities and plenty of wannabe good basketball players among the children of the voters.
I’m pretty sure the campaign is smart enough not to dress him in camos and hand him a shotgun.
One point he might address is that federal law that gives 5 years in prison to any felon with a gun. We had a case in the newspapers of an ex-felon who was helping his elderly disabled father go hunting; he said he knew he wasn’t allowed to own “guns” but it never occurred to him that he couldn’t carry a hunting rifle for his father. So now he’s in the pen, and there’s no one to take care of his father. Or something like that; I’m just remembering what was in the newspaper a year or two ago. That sort of gotcha mandatory sentencing stinks, and to hunters the stench must be stronger.
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi; you’re my only hope: