Ever wonder where the mind of Anne Coulter came from? Apparently it was Phil’s side at an RFK stadium dead show. No kidding. She is/was a head. So is Tucker Carlson (well, he’s more of a Jam Band fiend). What’s the deal with arch-conservative/libertarian pundits and the Dead? Here’s an article I thought we’d all enjoy on the very subject.

Looks like the ‘it all makes sense’ feeling that acid gives you is the source of the unholy confidence these fools have in their own opinions. Worked for me.

Jerry Garcia’s Conservative Children

But seriously, it all makes sense it a way.. A veteran of 71 shows myself, I often find my politics dancing on the edge of where the far Left wraps around again and hits the Libertarian edge of the Far right. I would definitely give credit to my experiences with unregulated economies and the extreme personal freedom of ‘Tour’ for any such flirtations with Libertarianism (and also with backing off Libertarianism to a safe distance).

Doesn’t this make you hate change and want to dissolve the IRS?

more below..
Update [2008-4-8 19:35:55 by anarchronarchist]:

I saw some guy named Garbage-Mouth Grits (daughter Harmony in tow) selling burritos filled with dumpster-diving findings. Seems like the FDA has a role to play after all. He was a totally nice guy too.

I saw an endless parade of misspelled hand-lettered signs on Shakedown Street. Yep, Department of Education rocks too.

I saw cops infiltrate in plain clothes in order to entrap 15 year-olds trying to score weed. OK, so a decent Dept of Defense is important too or thugs will gang up and take advantage of your most vulnerable.

And as far as the IRS..

Most of the people at a Dead show paid for a ticket to be there – a tax. Without the tax, the spectacle that drew us all together – the very culture – could not exist. Of course the tax code is another story.