You can watch Amb. Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus testify before the Senate Armed Services committee here.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I believe the most combative session will be this afternoon’s testimony before Foreign Relations. Hagel and Voinovich should provide some fireworks.
ooh, forcibly removed protesters. What a lack of decorum!
who will ask about that “secret draft US plan for Iraq’s military future” (secret no more? -passed to the Guardian, UK). When will coalition forces hand real sovereignty to the Iraqi parliament? imho, Until then Iraq will remain a quagmire at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.
Kennedy asked about it straight-off. And he wants to know why no matter how things are going in Iraq the president’s arrows always point to an open-ended commitment.
Thanks, I was in the barn tending critters.
read last night -Tomsdispatch:Ira Chernus The General and the trap
General Entrap-Us or General Entrapped?
Democrats Should Treat Petraeus and His Surge as Irrelevant
So Iraq will become one of our colonies. I expect their people will enjoy that.
Lieberman is on my teevee. Make it stop.
I can never get c-span’s media players to work. never.
I don’t know why. Everyone else seems to be OK.
I follow the link and it wants me to watch the coverrage of the wisconsin primary results. In fact, it’s my only option.
fuck c-span./
It always wants me to install RealPlayer even though I’m trying to watch via Windows Media. Oh. And I already have RP installed (no matter what I do, it will not get off my computer). It worked for the first time ever late last year, but only for about 3 months. Then FF updated and since then, nothing.
What did Clinton ask him?
Has Obama had his chance yet?
I saw Clinton was speaking but was too busy to stop and listen….