Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
Question for everyone:
have you ever worked on a political campaign?
Which one(s)?
have you ever worked on a political campaign?
Which one(s)?
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May the 4’s be with you
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond
Just a reminder to all the lurkers, this thread is your official (official?) Welcome Mat to Booman Tribune. Hope you’ll say hello!
Also, if anyone has any coding questions, there are plenty of people around who can help you out.
My answer to the question: my first campaign was a state representative for my hometown, I put up a bunch of signs and worked in their office. I also made calls for the Gore and Kerry campaigns. This year I’ve only given money, but will work my tail off after the dust settles from the primary wars.
What about you?
Just cuz you look so lonely …
The first political campaign where I was allowed to leave the house and actually work in public for a candidate was in 1968. I was 8 years old and I worked on Tom Eagleton’s first senate campaign. We handed out literature and rode around in a big station wagon with speakers on the top that played his campaign song. And every so often my dad would speak into the microphone andsay “Vote for Tom Eagleton for United States Senator” and it would boom out over the speakers.
I had one of those fake boaters to wear with the Eagleton bumper sticker around it.
I think I made the difference in that campaign. 🙂
Hey Manny,
The first was in 1972; Norway had a referendum on whether to join the EU (EEC back then). I was not old enough to vote. We lost (Norway remains outside the EU today, another referendum in 1994 also ended with a narrow ‘No’).
I’m keeping a low profile in campaigns here, since I’m not a citizen. Have made some financial contributions, though.
I volunteered for John Anderson in 1980. As an idealistic adolescent, I believed the radical rhetoric about there being no difference between Carter and Reagan. Boy, were the 80’s an eye-opener!
Here’s a question: why isn’t there a page on BT for replies to your comments?
You go to the link over there where it says Comments in this box that says RustyPipes (second box on your right) and when you click that link it takes you to your comments. You can see how many replies you got!
Thanks, I see that one. I just wonder if I’m missing responses to comments I made a few days ago or more than 30 comments ago, since they wouldn’t be attached to my comments at the top of that page. (or maybe I’m just trying to figure out why I see so few responses to my comments …).
It’s just that, at other sites where there is a hotlist or recent replies page, I am more likely to pick up a conversation from days ago, even if I had completely forgotten about the original diary.
All those boxes above is a search engine. You can look up your comments between certain days and check or you can just click on through, but no there’s isn’t a recent replies page AFAIK.
I was wrong on the search by days thing…that’s a DK thing that’s ingrained. You can change the number of fields from 30 to 50 though.
This link works, too. You can always access it via the ‘Comments’ link on the right sidebar under ‘RustyPipes’ in gold.
McGovern got me in gear and then broke my heart. Now you know…
And I really haven’t been inspired to put my old walking shoes on again until now. I think there are a million others who will only walk for him.
First one in which I actively took part was only recently, in 2006, for our congresscritter, John Hall. I did phone banking and had not one but two lawn signs in front of my house. (One still sits in my office.) I took the boran2 boy (then 8 years old) out to an appearance where he got to meet the candidate and had campaign stickers affixed to his jacket. Exciting stuff. At the same time, I began my own stealth campaign against our former critter, Sue Kelly, formerly the head of the congressional pages during part of the period of time giving rise to the scandal.
Bad math, he was 7.
and only — Eugene McCarthy.
“OleHippieChick” eh…there’s a few of us who can relate to that. welcome to the pond.
not counting the anti-vietnam war, and the anti-nuke stuff, l’ve been active in a few presential races: mccarthy in 68, including the debacle in chicago, mcgovern in 72, carter, clinton term l, gore…began railing against dimson in 99 and have more than once said “l told ya so”…cold comfort, eh…kerry… reluctantly after supporting dean.
and lots of local, state and congressional races and issues….abandoned politics when reagan got elected….went so far as to leave the country…the jury’s still out on whether returning was the right decision…still at it, tho it’s mostly local now.
ande it’s snowing again…still…arrrggghhhhh.
Howdy folks!!
Todays question…. I have worked on the following campaigns as a volunteer:
National Campaigns
Obama ’08
John Edwards ’08
Kerry/Edwards ’04
Clinton/Gore both terms
Jimmy Carter
Texas Campaigns
Valinda Bolton TX House District 47( volunteer and paid fund raiser)
Diana Maldonado TX House District 52(volunteer and paid fund raiser)
Karen Felthauser TX House District 52 volunteer
The list in Texas goes on and on. I have volunteered for most every major campaign since moving to Texas in 03. Before that I worked on campaigns and issues no matter what state I lived in. LOL
I am 49 and volunteered for my first campaign at the age of 8.
I think this design says it all for me. LOL
I only do one thing Straight
This is my 5th campaign, all for local offices. Since I’m not running this time, I volunteered to be campaign treasurer for a county commissioner candidate. Just finished filling out the pre-primary finance report which is due Friday at noon. Now all I have to do is run down the candidate for his signature.
I’m also a precinct committeeman and de facto communications person for the central committee. This is my 2nd election in that capacity. Since I hate getting up early, election morning will not be a happy time for me. Much coffee will be required.
Worked on Kerry’s 2004 campaign as a traveling volunteer in Ohio.
Since the age of reason, for me. Starting with questioning the catholic church, as an altar boy for a drunk priest. Since then, it`s been fighting for the underdog, of which pack, I always belonged.
What`s up Manny!
Oh, and I just love hippy chicks, always have, still do.