Byron York asks a ‘serious’ question.
If we’re judged by those with whom we associate, here’s a question:
Would you rather be associated with a ’60s radical who plotted to bomb the Pentagon and to this day believes, as he said a few years ago, “I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough,” or would you rather be associated with — slight pause, please — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)?
First, let’s do a little repair to the 60’s radical’s reputation, shall we? From Mayor Daley:
“There are a lot of reasons that Americans are angry about Washington politics. And one more example is the way Senator Obama’s opponents are playing guilt-by-association, tarring him because he happens to know Bill Ayers.
I also know Bill Ayers. He worked with me in shaping our now nationally-renowned school reform program. He is a nationally-recognized distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois/Chicago and a valued member of the Chicago community.
I don’t condone what he did 40 years ago but I remember that period well. It was a difficult time, but those days are long over. I believe we have too many challenges in Chicago and our country to keep re-fighting 40 year old battles.”
Now, York may choose to dismiss Mayor Daley’s character witnessing here because Prof. Ayers said seven years ago that he did not regret his attempted acts of terrorism. That’s his right. But what are we to make of Tom Coburn’s comment:
“I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.”
Never mind the unintentional irony in Coburn’s statement, they are a lot of people that find that position offensive, including the whole universe of people that value life by opposing the death penalty. And Coburn ran for office using that rhetoric a mere four years ago.
So if you ask me who I’d rather associate with between a man whose character is vouched for by the Mayor of Chicago and a man who wants to execute doctors for performing abortions, it isn’t a tough decision. But maybe York doesn’t interpret Coburn’s statement as a terroristic threat. I do.
Well, of course Coburn’s not a terrorist…he’s white and from The Heartland. Terrorists are swarthy and have funny names…
Yep, funny names.
Like Tim.
He’s dark and swarthy all right.
but he did get the death penalty.
Boo, don’t you know that terrorism only applies to foreigners and lefties? Those who blow up abortion clinics or federal buildings in Oklahoma are only fighting for life and freedom from government, just like Grover Norquist and Jerry Falwell. I mean, how can you drown the US government in a bathtub without pulverizing it first?
I’m more ashamed of Clinton and the “news” media than ever. They could be talking about real war criminals who are in the White House right now, but instead choose to try and make 40-year-old nothing into something — all just for the sake of a quick buzz.
I might note, too, that Daley’s no conventional liberal, so his perceptiveness and courage in telling the truth about one of his daddy’s worst enemies takes on extra significance. As a Chicagoan I’m proud of him for his good Midwestern bullshit detector.
You make sense, Booman!
The other thing is that Clinton is McCarthy-izing the term “association.” Obama has got to have more associations than the average social butterfly. He’s a high profile politican and he’s been a rising star in various circles for about 25 years.
Wouldn’t Obama, not on the Mainland scene until decades later, lump Weathermen in with the anti war veterans, black power soldiers, Chicago 7, SDS kids, and Patty Hearst? They became Senators, school teachers,born-again Christians, and home room volunteers. Watergate, Vietnam, The Warren Commission morally vindicated them.
Ayer doesn’t have a criminal record. Obama only knows him as an activist scholar respected among other affluent liberals in Chicago.
Can we talk? How bout Barbara Olson’s book on the Clintons? Hill’s association with Charles Gary and the Black Panthers?
Let’s talk about FALN pardonees. Now those were some bombers. I think I’ll go make a list of a few of the Clinton’s close associates.
Thanks for letting us do two diaries a day, BooM.
A) I surprised no one call Hillary on her comment that the Weathermen “bombs killed several”
My memory and data says three Weathermen were killed when their bomb factory blew up. That’s not to say they didn’t intend to kill people, just that Hillary is once again inaccurate with the truth.
B) Talk about guilt by association. Hillary has chosen to stand by a serial adulterer husband who lied to her, the country and in court. the country. Of course you could say she did it for political gain, but then the worst you could say about Obama’s relationship with Rev. Wright is that he did it for political gain.