Fox News had Michelle Malkin on yesterday discussing some thing or another having to do with the dark-skinned Filipina’s attacks and demonization of presumptive First Lady Michelle Obama. So what does the Fox News editorial team do during the conservative racist baiter’s time on TV? They put a banner right under the news bit that read : “Outraged Liberals : Stop Picking on Obama’s Baby Mama“.
As Oliver Willis says quite correctly, why not call her a N***r and get it over and done with it? Why not just turn Fox News into what it really is, a race-baiter’s dream machine?
Kevin Hayden says’ the channel should be fined by the FCC a minimum of $325,000 for publishing hate speech. Even though I agree with Stefania this proves the extreme right is scared shitless at the prospect of seeing the Obamas in the White House, it’s still utterly wrong and those bastards should pay every time they pull this shit.
Yet what’s most important about all this mess is the other Michelle. La Malkin. Why do you think Fox News has on their payroll a dark-skinned Filipina who is not only their quite giddy and willing cover for the racist rants you pass as news, but also something of a news maker herself?
Michelle Malkin seems to be part of a racist Pygmalion, a surrogate who has very willingly been molded by her husband, Jesse Malkin. Two years ago four bloggers documented what many people were wondering at the time about the increasingly prolific Malkin : That and most probably Michelle Malkin the syndicated journalist and columnist and Michelle Malkin the author are not Michelle Malkin but the woman, her husband, Jesse Malkin and maybe indeed a small team of interns and researchers.
That nowadays she has people guest blogging at is a complete turnaround from the early days. Michelle Malkin in 2006 had just given birth and was slugging across the country interviews and book readings all the while writing a syndicated column, making TV appearances and peppering her blog with about 6 posts a day. Every day. Including Sundays. And she would do this and boast about how she didn’t have nannies, how she didn’t have interns or assistants working for her. She was the super brown woman, spokeswoman for anti-immigrants and white supremacists at large.
It’s why finding out who really is Michelle Malkin the author became so important. Was this a xenophobic genius or is she a front for a larger right-wing juggernaut?
The authors of Malkin Watch and Liberal Avenger wrote an important piece called “Ghost Blogging“. Professor of Law, Eric Mueller, who notoriously fisked (the) Malkin racist and anti-immigrant manifesto, “The Case For Internment”, had noticed the writing pattern as well and went even as far as to say (after being attacked for attacking Malkin’s racist screed) :
Of course, when a female, nonwhite blogger condemns rather than defends the Japanese American internment, or argues for protecting rather than trashing immigrants’ rights, or takes the opposite side of just about anything Malking writes, it’s really not so attention-grabbing, is it?
Gee. Could that have anything to do with why Malkin gets so much attention on the right?
In other words, Michelle Malkin has always been “Michelle Malkin & Co”, most specifically, Jesse Malkin doing most of the writing with Michelle as the front of the operation.
Which is why having Michelle Malkin at the center of this “baby mama drama” is so important. Ever the opportunists, “Malkin & Co.” seeks out race baiting opportunities the way sharks seek blood in the water : If it is something “Malkin & Co” can profit from, she and her husband run to it and unleash the racist wurlitzer on her blog. By the way –do you know that the multi-tasker Michelle Malkin is also CEO of, a conservative new media company?
Back to the topic : In the recent months MalkinCo. has zeroed on Jeremiah Wright and Michelle Obama. Malkin’s mission? To paint Jeremiah Wright as the leader of a black KKK while painting Michelle Obama as an extension of Jeremiah Wright. Which by default would paint Barack Obama as a sort of racist Manchurian candidate that will attack his own grandmother because he just can’t wait to wipe the country clean of people who don’t look like him.
By having Malkin at the center of the “Obama Baby Mama” drama, Fox News can get away with one more day of cashing in on extremist propaganda, all the while attacking the presumptive first African American President and First Lady of the United States.
Michelle Malkin is being paid from many different fronts : think tanks for her books, advertising for her blogs, Fox News for her appearances, Knight-Ridder for her syndicated column, to prove that if she repeats racist speech, it is not hate speech at all but a political opinion.
Well, if there were ever a better time to take down Michelle Malkin, this is it. She is ramping up the race baiting spewage. I wouldn’t have it past any of her followers to take her words as license to unleash their violence against the Obamas or any of their associates.
I sometimes wonder whether Malkin, and John Woo for that matter, are not the true ‘Manchurian candidates’. They both have been working very hard to make of the States a dysfunctional society. Who benefits? That may be the question.
Typo: “John Yoo” (certainly not “John Woo”).
I bumped to this to top over mine. Thanks, liza.
Fox’s statement blaming “poor judgment” won’t cut it…that’s all they have demonstrated.
Fox’s whiteness is showing and they can’t take cover under Malkin’s skin tone. Btw,iIt appears Malkin has a habit of misspeak.
deep question 1: Juan Williams, where is he and how does he look himself in the mirror and show up for work at Fox?
deep question 2: When will Juan Williams have enough courage to say NO to the racist fear baiting Fox noise machine?
serious deep question 3: As a black man should Juan Williams not demand of Fox a minimum of respect for a black woman?
It’s also time for Rupert Murdock to step up to the plate. Murdock admitted he was instrumental in the NY Post’s endorsement of Obama …that he admires and would like to meet him.
Time to do it now before this racial fear gets into the other realm and we’ll all plead; if only we we said no to hate.
Somebody watches Fox News? What for?
S&M, obviously…
I agree that it’s past time for Michelle Malkin to go. I’ve started asking: Why Does Michelle Malkin Hate America?.
McCain has a problem with his temper. So what Fox needs to do is get Obama to lose his temper to balance the coverage.
Well, won’t happen. Sorry Fox, we ain’t that stupid.