The McCain camp stepped into this one.
Paris Hilton strikes with her own Ad to the “white hair old guy”
“”I’m a celebrity too.””…’Thanks for the endorsement old guy’
She has an energy policy and is off to pick her VP.
“I’m Paris Hilton and I approve this message”
released via the General Assignment Editor.
That’ll do it. That’ll teach them.
Ya think?
That’s too funny!
The Hilton response has now received wider exposure…picked by AP – you bet the McCain camp did not anticipate:
Paris Hilton issues tart rebuttal to McCain ad
What is it about the McCain crew? Clueless. They’ve written off a huge segment of young, tuned-in voters who’ll be voting for the first time this year.
What’s surprising is that she comes off as something more than a complete airhead. She’s a better speaker than McSame, not that besting him is any great feat.
Seems to me that the ability to anticipate consequences is an important trait for any president to have. Look at what happened to Bush. Apparently the McCain camp thought that there was no cost to using celebrities for political purposes without their advice.
Maureen Dowd in her (NYT) essay: McCain’s green-eyed monster has this: