Look, John McCain isn’t an epic failure just because I say so. He’s an epic failure by objective standards. How can you possibly lose a debate worse than this?
In politics it is generally not considered a good sign when voters are laughing at you, not with you. And by the end of the third and last presidential debate, the undecided voters who had gathered in Denver for Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg’s focus group were “audibly snickering” at John McCain’s grimaces, eye-bulging, and repeated references to “Joe the Plumber.”
The group of 50 uncommitted voters should have at least been receptive to McCain—Republicans and Independents outnumbered Democrats in the group by almost 4 to 1, and they started the evening with much warmer responses to McCain than to his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama. But by the time it was all over, so few of them had declared their support for McCain that there weren’t enough for Greenberg to separate them into a post-debate focus group. Meanwhile, the Obama supporters had to assemble in two different rooms to keep their discussion groups manageable.
Barack Obama was openly laughing at John McCain last night. Undecided, but right-leaning, voters were laughing at John McCain last night. He was awful. Duncan nailed it, with this:
I admit to being quite puzzled by a lot of the instapunditry out there about the debate which seems to agree that at least in the first half McCain did ok. He was horrible. He looked awful and creepy and weird. I don’t think he did all that well in any of the debates (missed most of the first one), but in this one he was truly abysmal.
John McCain was so bad in all three debates that it is kind of hard to choose which debate he lost the worst. Getting killed in a foreign policy debate was humiliating for Mr. Foreign Policy Experience. Getting creamed in a Town Hall Meeting debate was salt in the wounds for Mr. Debate Me in 300 Town Hall Debates. But last night was the worst debate performance I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched way too many of these things.
At this point, I don’t know how much room Obama has to grow his lead, but it’s going to grow. No one wants to be associated with a loser. No one wants to be associated with George Wallace politics, and that is what McCain is doing with these attacks on ACORN. I take those attacks personally because I used to be a county coordinator for ACORN and I know exactly what the organization does. It advocates for poor people. It fights predatory lending. It educates people about their finances. And it registers poor people to vote. It hires ex-felons, which too few people are willing to do. And it, unfortunately, has to fire a lot of low performing people that try to cut corners on their voter registration in order to keep their jobs. ACORN works very hard to make sure that it catches bogus registrations and terminates those that commit registration fraud. Filling out a bogus voter registration for a fictitious person is not voter fraud. It’s just fraud. It’s a fraud committed against their employer, ACORN. When those registrations slip through, and some inevitably do, it is an added hassle for the people in City Hall that have to process voter registrations, but it isn’t voter fraud because no fictitious Mickey Mouse or Tony Romo ever turns up to vote. It wastes resources, but that is the extent of the harm it produces.
I have had to fire people for filling out phony registrations. It’s sad when you have to tell someone that is struggling to keep the lights on in their apartment that they can’t work for you anymore. But you can’t pay someone that won’t do the work and that tries to con you into thinking they’re getting the job done. You can’t let them use you and inconvenience city hall at the same time. But the idea that this is some threat to our institution of democracy is ludicrous and insulting.
If you’ve worked in this environment, in the inner-city, you’ve learned about the dignity and desperation of the people. To see them used like this to make coded-racial attacks against Barack Obama is heartbreaking. It’s great that everyone is laughing at John McCain, but they shouldn’t be laughing. They should be furious.
Hey Booman, maybe you can give me a good response for this one –
One of my very good friends understands that ACORN is the victim and all, but the attacks against them stick with her a bit because of the “paying people per voter registration form” aspect instead of paying an hourly wage to collect signatures. She thinks that the per signature idea is a bad one because it sets up something that rewards people for dishonesty.
Any response? The best I could come up with was “paying people hourly might cause them to not be very productive”, but since that’s true of any job that pays an hourly wage, it’s not a very convincing argument.
That shouldn’t be “signatures” up there, that should be “voter registrations”. I don’t know why I said signatures there…
ACORN doesn’t pay people per registration, and that would be a bad idea.
Here is how it works.
I hire you and train you to do voter registration (including role-playing). Then I take you out with me to knock doors. At first, you just watch and learn. Then I let you do the talking for a while. When I think you’ve got the hang of it, I give you some turf and send you out on your own. I pay you an hourly wage, or a shift wage (usually 4 hours).
I tell you that you need to get 20 registrations a shift. But that’s more than all but the best people can consistently accomplish. A good employee will consistently get 10-12.
If you fail to quickly get up to 10-12, I’ll but you on probation and give you more training (role-playing) and maybe even go out with you for a shift to help your skills.
So, what happens is that the employees are feeling a lot of pressure to get 10-12, and they also don’t want to disappoint me. Maybe they have a bad day and get only 4 registrations. They’re tempted to pad it with a couple bogus ones. If they’re on probation, they’ll do anything to keep the job. You have to hammer into their minds that the quickest way to lose their job is to commit fraud, but some will do it anyway out of desperation. Pretty much my entire workforce was living hand-to-mouth, and no one had a driver’s license. Paying work is very hard to come by in these neighborhoods, and the work ethic is not exactly stellar.
But, no, we didn’t pay per registration.
Thanks for the explanation. That’s good – that type of system sounds like it’s less prone to fraud than the one we thought was being used. But someone has been spreading a lot of misinformation around our local news-o-sphere (surprise!), because here in Ohio people are under the impression that pay is dependent on per-registration. I’m plugged in pretty good and this is the first explanation I’ve seen of it working this way. I could swear I heard it described as a “per registration” payment even on Air America radio – or at the very least the description they gave didn’t make me immediately rule out that description.
(As a related note – I wish that liberal groups would get a bit savvier about working the media. They’ll never be as good as conservatives because conservative groups don’t do anything BUT work the media, but it never seems like liberal groups are good at PR or spin at all, and so there’s little push-back when the conservative groups start their pushes.)
18 days to Voting.
GOPers are not the least interested in continuing with the responsibility to cleaning up this financial mess. You can’t make whole trillions of worthless bonds.
Paulson now admits,”We’re not proud of all the mistakes that were made by many different people, different parties, [failures of our regulatory system, failures of market discipline that got us here,” Paulson said in an interview on Fox Business Network.
Blaming ACORN and Sub-prime mortgages is a desperate excuse…an attempt to blame the most helpless minorities in our society …they have no voice.
It’s a display of whiteness.
Seems true to norm for the rethugs.
As Donna Brazile crudely posits. He (Obama) spent nine months in the womb of a white woman. Does that count for anything?
Turn up the fear.
Food stamps, Watermelon, fried chicken and ribs are the new evils.
You just can’t make this stuff up; well – not as good as the RNC can.
I’m glad we’re winning because otherwise I might lose it on someone.
I mentioned that above.
Look for the KFC people going after them.
Misuse of our brand, we’ll guard it.
Feel free to lose it: Officials: FBI investigates ACORN for voter fraud. Checked around yesterday and there are a few articles mirroring your comments above, but the bulk of the “reporting” has been taken directly from the RNC PR Newswire. Go figure.
Marc Caputo/MiamiHerald: Florida’s Republican governor discounts Acorn charges.
They’re a pleasant lot in inner Cali.
Bowers pointed out his lead was shrinking today. Tomorrow the first post-debate stuff comes out, so we’ll see if you’re right.
I stand by my VOWE theory.
Who’s lead? Obama’s?
Yes, composite was down to 6.5% even with the “modified” Gallup LV model. With their standard LV model it was 6.2%.
as the old adage goes: he laughs longest who laughs last, may be a fitting epitaph for the mcpalin campaign.
according to the viewers/voters at mudflats, joe the plumber finished second to obama in the deadbate lat night, mcstain a distant third.
can’t say l disagree with that sentiment.
turn out the lights, the party’s over