I remember being in Colorado one year and having friends rave about “You have to see the aspens, you have to see the aspens in the fall!” Apparently they had never been in the northeast in October…
So, did I see in the last cafe that we’re all going to AndiF’s for an inauguration/buh-bye Bush party in January? 🙂
I’m sure the restaurant owner would appreciate any and all patrons he could coax in at that time of year. Its the absolute worst month for cash flow in the seasonal cycle since we lost our little ski resort a few years back. And yes Virginia, there are hills in part of Indiana!
Andi is out with the dogs, and I’m sitting with my back against a heating pad so I’ll answer.
Nope we still need to haul in some more wood. Fortunately the storms of the summer helped us and took down two trees not too far away from the house. The tops will be dry when we need them this winter and we’ll burn the trunks next winter.
We gave up our wood stove when we moved to the little house in town 20 years ago. I still miss the deep, penetrating warmth that would put me to sleep in about 2 minutes when I sat down in front of the stove.
It’s a weird fall out there — a lot of the trees turned very early and now have already lost most of their leaves while the oaks and beeches are still green.
I’m going to Phoenix (all expenses paid) right after election day. I don’t know yet what my itinerary will be. I do know that I’ll be attending some union leadership training sessions. What should I see when I do have free time?
I could handle that. Or even a half-day on Fridays.
When CBtE was in kindergarten (all-day K), the school let out an hour early on Fridays because so many people went away for the weekend. It was nice to have that early start, even though it was just an hour.
They call it stormy Monday,
but Tuesday’s just as bad
They call it stormy Monday,
but Tuesday’s just as bad
Lord and Wednesday’s worse,
Thursday’s oh so sad
The eagle flies on Friday,
Saturday I go out to play
The eagle flies on Friday,
Saturday I go out to play
Sunday I go to church,
I get down to pray
Lord have mercy, lord have mercy on me
Lord have mercy, lord have mercy on me
You know I tryin’, tryin’ to find my baby
Please send her on home to me
They do a good job down there at the clerk’s office. Most of the staff has been there for several years and are used to the procedures. The clerk told me yesterday that nearly 10% of the active registered voters have already voted early. Monroe County numbers look very similar to ours. I’m hoping for a very large turnout.
Young CB found the box of “Magic Cookie Bar” ingredients (also known as Hello Dollies), and seems to be making a magical recovery while baking them…I am suspicious now.
How’s you’re guy enjoying school this year? Getting ready for Halloween?
He’s in 4th grade now and liking it pretty well. He’s already gotten his new mask and fake bloody knife for Halloween, to go with his old ghoul robe outfit.
New cafe here!
Good morning CabinGirl! I was just inquiring of ask if he thought those were aspens in the photo above. They’re lovely though, whatever they are;-)
The yellows are a good sign that they’re aspens.
I remember being in Colorado one year and having friends rave about “You have to see the aspens, you have to see the aspens in the fall!” Apparently they had never been in the northeast in October…
So, did I see in the last cafe that we’re all going to AndiF’s for an inauguration/buh-bye Bush party in January? 🙂
I’m sure the restaurant owner would appreciate any and all patrons he could coax in at that time of year. Its the absolute worst month for cash flow in the seasonal cycle since we lost our little ski resort a few years back. And yes Virginia, there are hills in part of Indiana!
Yeah there are hills but there isn’t enough snow.
No apple crisps. I’d rather fill up on pepper steak soup.
Maybe ID can help find a huge cabin to rent.
Aspen and birches, I think.
Here’s a link to it for this diary (and please rec).
Friday Foto Flogging — Water theme.
We spent a good chunk of yesterday (and will again today) cutting, hauling, and stacking wood and I hurt everywhere I have a muscle.
Hope everybody has a much less painful day.
click for larger
Sorry you’re so sore. Are you all finished and ready for winter?
I’m off to yoga…so I’ll be a little sore for a different reason. 🙂
I’ll check back later to see what everyone’s up to.
Andi is out with the dogs, and I’m sitting with my back against a heating pad so I’ll answer.
Nope we still need to haul in some more wood. Fortunately the storms of the summer helped us and took down two trees not too far away from the house. The tops will be dry when we need them this winter and we’ll burn the trunks next winter.
We gave up our wood stove when we moved to the little house in town 20 years ago. I still miss the deep, penetrating warmth that would put me to sleep in about 2 minutes when I sat down in front of the stove.
Nice photo! There’s nothing like a walk in a hardwood forest in the fall!
It’s a weird fall out there — a lot of the trees turned very early and now have already lost most of their leaves while the oaks and beeches are still green.
I’m going to Phoenix (all expenses paid) right after election day. I don’t know yet what my itinerary will be. I do know that I’ll be attending some union leadership training sessions. What should I see when I do have free time?
I have to admit that the main thing I like to do in Phoenix is leave it but I do think that Desert Botanical Garden is fantastic.
Some friends of mine went Taliesin West and really enjoyed it.
Good morning Teacher Toni and AndiF! My grandparents used to go to Phoenix for the summer when school was out.
Your grandparents actually sprouted from cacti? That’s amazing! And….ouch. 🙂
AND spent their summers in the desert with NO air conditioning! Unbelievable!
That’s the really amazing part. I can’t believe that people used to actually live here in The South™ before AC. It’s miserable.
We had our first frost last night here at Latitude N39-12-22. It used to be on or before Oct. 10.
See if you just have right attitude about starting the work week …
Nope, not falling for it. Monday. Feh.
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Yeah, it’s not happening for me either…and I am still sore from my yoga class on Saturday. My upper arm strength isn’t what it used to be!
And of course, it’s so cold here that CBtY came and hopped in my bed around 4 this morning, so now I’m really tired.
Maybe we could just make this another weekend day?
My entire body isn’t what is used to be (but then again it never was).
I loved having Monday and Friday off last week. I want to do that all the time.
I could handle that. Or even a half-day on Fridays.
When CBtE was in kindergarten (all-day K), the school let out an hour early on Fridays because so many people went away for the weekend. It was nice to have that early start, even though it was just an hour.
I’d like to have an early start to the sunlight … which is to say I’m off to go stumble in the dark with the dogs. See ya.
Extensive medical check-up (routine) coming up this morning – no coffee, no nothing, just water allowed.
turn you head and cough. 😉
Ugh. Did you at least enjoy the Berkshires this weekend?
We sure did.
Got to run now.
Good luck with everything!
as Monday. My retirement plan (go powerball!) just isn’t working fast enough.
Good morning Andi!
Perfect sentiment.
I forgot to say the other day that I loved doing early voting — so quick and well-handled. I’m hooked.
They do a good job down there at the clerk’s office. Most of the staff has been there for several years and are used to the procedures. The clerk told me yesterday that nearly 10% of the active registered voters have already voted early. Monroe County numbers look very similar to ours. I’m hoping for a very large turnout.
It must be because everybody has heard how those nice women in the clerk’s office make so easy and fast.
Hi AndiF and ID!
Stomach bug doing the rounds here today…both guys still in bed. I thought they might be faking, but apparently it is making the rounds.
It’s always something…
I hope that they’re better soon.
Young CB found the box of “Magic Cookie Bar” ingredients (also known as Hello Dollies), and seems to be making a magical recovery while baking them…I am suspicious now.
How’s you’re guy enjoying school this year? Getting ready for Halloween?
He’s in 4th grade now and liking it pretty well. He’s already gotten his new mask and fake bloody knife for Halloween, to go with his old ghoul robe outfit.
Does cbty still go trick or treating?
toward the weekend. Yay Hump Day.
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This looks like a perfect picture for a new cafe…meet you over there?