Normally I post these without much comment. But I this time I couldn’t help it.
Because this picture helped me understand why the RNC spent over $150,000 on Sarah Palin’s wardrobe.
The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August.
According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74.
The records also document a couple of big-time shopping trips to Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, including one $75,062.63 spree in early September.
The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup through September after reporting no such costs in August.
The cash expenditures immediately raised questions among campaign finance experts about their legality under the Federal Election Commission’s long-standing advisory opinions on using campaign cash to purchase items for personal use.
See, here’s my theory. That $150,000 wasn’t just spent on “items for personal use.” That money was an investment in raising the prospects of picking up or turning on out a certain segment of the youth vote.
And that, my friends, is what we call as “stimulus plan.”
[Pic via The Huffington Post]
I saw that picture — the composition, the faces, etc. — and combined with the context of the story, it just begged for a “write your own caption” post.
Awwww dammit, duuuuude. All I’ve got on me is some change! Can you spot me a few dollar bills?
A caption is almost unnecessary.. That’s quite a picture on many levels.
Politics (waaaaay) aside, it’s pretty awesome that we live in a time that it’s a woman up on that stage.
Hopefully the audience can get over their own issues eventually. Even if they did it in their usual backhanded, inverted reality way, you do have to give a very small tip of the hat to the Repugs for breaking their own barrier.
I would gladly give a little credit if I thought there was any sign that the decision was based on the principled idea that the best choice for Republicans and for the country just happened to be a woman. If that were the case then the GOP would probably be kicking ass right now.
But it was only a brazenly opportunistic and purely political decision which, if played out to their favored scenario, would put the country at tremendous risk of serious harm. All they did was see an opportunity to use a woman as a tool. There is nothing in my book that is admirable about that.
Mike, you beat me to it. So I’ll just go ahead and leave my caption.
But Dr. Dobson–I can’t spare this rod.
[AP ducks before being hit by flying tomato.]
hope all women read your comment.
Palin is deficient between the ears. So they had to dress her up with lipstick; make her saleable like a movie star. Haven’t we heard McCain say she’s fit to be president because “she’s attractive”?
add to the $150 K another $13,200 spent in September alone.
In addition to the expensive threads, see why those young men are licking their lips?
Yes. She’s a woman. But you have to consider how some women are going to view her; women who succeed through intelligence and hard work rather than making it on their looks. who’ve had to be overqualified for every positon they’ve had just to have an equal shot at it, etc.
My "sister-in-law" (who really isn’t my anything-in-low, because my husband and I can’t be anything by law), an MBA executive with an international corporation, can stand Palin because she’s so obviously underqualified, uninformed, etc., and yet up for the second-highest office in the country.
Nevermind that her politics, if realized in policy, would set back many of the advances women have made since suffrage…
The phrase “must be twice as good to get half as far” comes to mind.
Where are their hands and what are their hands doing?
Oh, you posted this one before me!
I almost said “Oh, you beat me to it!” but that might be a poor choice of words in this circumstance…
“Dude. Can you believe that Pee Wee Herman got arrested for this?”
The phrase ‘blue state’ become personal at a recent Republican rally.
Not funny. There was a photo like that against Hillary. This doesn’t have to do w/ what you think of Palin, this is inherently sexist photography. It stinks, really really really stinks.
That is the single reason that she was chosen.
Because she is a good-looking, youngish woman.
If she looked like the Wicked Witch of the West would she be running for Vice-President?
If she totally de-sex appealed herself in terms of image…would she be running?
Would she be raising the fuss that she is raising?
No. Of course not.
Now your response might understandably be…”Well…why should a woman have to minimize her sexual appeal in order to be taken seriously as a candidate?”
And my answer would be that if she had a full complement of other talents it would be different. But she does not. She is all image and the image is winking, makin’ eyes, come-on-‘a-my-house sexual in nature.
Just as a lawyer who brings up a subject in court then opens that subject to examination that might not be exactly beneficial to the cause, her incessant cutie pie wink-wink nudge-nudge shit opens her to “examination” regarding her real game.
This photo serves as a perfect example.
Hillary Clinton runs no such game.
Would this photo…even if it had to be photoshopped, because no horny young fools would even be standing there with shit-eating grins on their testosterone-poisoned faces… would it have any relevance whatsoever to her candidacy were they her legs instead of Palin’s in the picture?
Absurd on the face of it.
And there it is.
If there was not a sexuality-based…NOT “gender based”…fault line running through her candidacy, the picture would not work.
Deal with it.
When did Sen. Clinton wear a short skirt and high heels? Can you provide a link to this alleged photo of young men lusting after her? I’d sincerely like to see it for comparison.
As Shakesville points out, well not the same photo, but the same perspective.
It stinks, it really really really stinks.
I wouldn’t equate the AP’s decisions and motivations with what Terrance is doing here.
Are you serious? “Sexist photography”? So the simple act of capturing an event that is happening before your eyes is somehow sexist?
How, exactly?
If I’m not mistaken, she’s been maximizing the wardrobe with the use of personal trainer, looks likes she’s slimmed down a size or 2 and added some post baby toning.
From the glazed look on their faces, they’ll never stray.
Caption: “But can Joe Biden do this?!!”
The World’s Oldest Fundraiser.
“Oh, God, have mercy on me for wanting to wear that skirt.”
Or the more ambiguous:
“Repressed young Christians unite under Palin.”
I’ll go it one better:
“Those shoes don’t match her outfit, which is so last year. And too think I’m left the “Log Cabin” to see her.”
besides of course Young Republican lust, which is a truly terrible thing to forced to contemplate in any given situation…is a pair of fairly meaty, moose hunter-like gams that have obviously been very painfully stuffed into some seriously undersized, medieval-in-their-cruelty high heels.
I mean…look at the ankles!!! They just….disappear into those dinky li’l shoettes.
I think that perhaps the seemingly compulsive winking that we see coming form McPalin…who should be renamed McPain given what I am seeing here…is really an attempt to blink back recurrent tears of discomfort stemming from her apparent foot binding and whatever girdle-like edifices that she is being forced to wear in the interests of attracting the Ratpublican and undecided male jerk-off vote.
Pity the poor candidate.
She’s having a rough go of it.
But…like Christ on the Cross…she knows that the world will be a better place once her alter husband Senator McPalin kacks after winning the Preznitcy and she can kick off those shoes and show her true colors as a good, Xian fundamemntalist witch hunter.
Every day is Hallowe’en for her, now.
Betcha that costume itches like hell, too.
here one for you, Arthur.
I guess that I am not alone in my view of what might happen, eh?
Let us pray that it does not.
Blackwater, USA is not a nice town.
Bet on it.
Maybe the RNC will do the right thing and forward all these fancy duds to charity after their candidates lose the election.
Hopefully Rich Lowry will get the underwear!
If they Ebay her stuff, I’m sure he’ll go into hock bidding on those…
Too right CG!
is that sarah palin or rudy in drag ?
cant tell the difference by the ankles or the looks on those republican boys faces
My comment is X rated. What a skank.
” and this is what I got at Victoria’s Secret”.