The inventor of the Intertubes has been found guilty by a jury of his peers.
Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Senate Republican in history and patriarch of Alaska politics, was found guilty of felony charges for making false statements…
…The jury did not seem to buy the explanation from Stevens that Allen showered him with gifts he didn’t want and was unaware of, and that he believed the $160,000 he gave to another contractor covered all costs for the home renovations.
I honestly thought he’d get a hung jury and a mistrial. It almost seemed like the government was trying to lose this case. But they won it. Now I hope the American public is more impressed with Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama than this jury was with his character witnessing for Ted ‘Hulk-Tie’ Stevens. Bring on Senator Mark Begich!!
Hee hee:
Sorry to sound stupid BUT- Can a convicted felon serve as a US Senator?
I think the requirement is to be an unconvicted felon.
i think Sarah Palin needs to explain the full extent of her relationship with Sen. Steven, a convicted, felon. She needs to come clean with the American People.
hows that for BS.
But seriously, there seems to be no bar to being a senator and a convicted felon at the same time. But in the more reptile-brain regions of our fair country, if you were ever convicted of anything, even decades ago, you can’t ever vote again, even for a convicted felon. But I guess you could still run for the Senate as long as you don’t vote for yourself. Clear?
Yes, you can be a Senator but you can’t vote for yourself or anyone else. Very logical in an Orwellian way.
Here’s your ‘wow’ answer, yes, he can serve as a convicted felon.
Thanks=that’s what I thought.
A second question is, can he vote in the upcoming election? As a convicted felon, I would guess that he cannot.
I thought my Inter-Tubes were a bit clogged this morning….
Let’s see. Maybe John Boehner can ask the President to have the Justice Department intervene on Steven’s behalf. That’s what the Justice Department is for, right?
Or maybe Bush can just put out a signing statement that says he doesn’t agree with the jury’s verdict so the verdict can just be ignored.
Or how about a “special Presidential pardon”? In Bush world, nothing is ever final, unless it’s something they agree with or helps a Republican.
Maybe a Presidential Pardon, but put him on “Double Secret Probation” to prove W is still “tough on crime”??
freepers react:
If you look at the perfect set of dominoes that had to fall this year in order to give Obama the presidency and a complicit Congress, there’s only one conclusion:
Obama is the anti-Christ.
I love wingnut logic. If the dominoes fall perfectly for Obama, clearly Satan wants him to win the election and lead us all into a battle against the forces of Good on the plain of Megiddo.
On the other hand, if the tables were turned and every bit of bad luck were happening to Obama, clearly it would be evidence of God’s Will that McCain be annointed President of the United States.
Hmm, I’m confused. So, was it Satan or God that sent Bill Clinton to the WH in ’92?
He was a Domino’s special delivery.
He does like him some pizza.
Did he run under the banner of the beloved by God Holy Elephant? Or was he elected under the banner of the Satanic and diabolical Unholy Mule? I think we can see the easy answer to this one.
(And seriously – there were plenty of people who were convinced that Clinton was the anti-Christ in ’92. Without an Internet around you didn’t see it as much, but it was there. He was going to turn our country over to the UN and let the black helicopters come in and steal our precious bodily fluids or something. And from that we got the militia movement. I’m expecting the next 4-8 years to be even worse in that regard, though I’m guessing it will be more overt and less hidden thanks to the Inter-tubes this time around.)
If you look at the perfect set of dominoes that had to fall this year in order to give Obama the presidency and a complicit Congress, there’s only one conclusion:
Obama is the anti-Christ.
Oh man, that’s…brilliant. It’s the Fibonacci sequence of stoopid.
I couldn’t believe it when, this afternoon after the verdict,Bloomberg predicted Stevens will still win. Now I believe it.