If it’s true that Hillary Clinton has been offered the job of Secretary of State, maybe she will get a real opportunity to dodge sniper fire one day. Who knows? I don’t really care very much if she gets the job. I, however, would pick someone that is both qualified and helped me get elected.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hillary is a hunter after all. Maybe she can return fire this time.
p.s. May I be the first to propose that in 2016 (or 2012?) Hillary and Sara conduct a sharpshooting contest in lieu of any debates?
no more neverland.
If her history so far is any indication, Hillary as Secretary of State would be very bad news for Palestinians, Iraqis, Iranis, Syrians, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Afghans. Her allegiance to AIPAC is legendary, and she has always been an enthusiastic cheerleader of military violence both on the part of the United States and on the part of Israel.
Obama’s choices so far do not bode well for a peaceful approach when it comes to the Middle East.
The CIA also loves her. I think this would be a REALLY bad appointment.
I think she’d be a very good pick for something domestic, but keep her out of the international arena, please!
Hard to say. I think her devotion to Israel was propelled by her Presidential ambitions more than any particular soft spot for Israel as such. Now that those ambitions are essentially thwarted, she might do a pretty good job, especially if the Israeli’s believed she actually was devoted to them.
Her enthusiastic cheerleading of every one of Israel’s atrocities goes back at least to her days as First Lady, and has never waivered for a moment. One could argue that her presidential ambitions also go back at least that far, but the point is that she has never given any indication that that was the sole basis for her delight with Israel’s crimes. Therefore, it looks like you are speculating based purely on wishful thinking.
And as First Lady she was reportedly even more fond of military violence as a foreign policy tool than her husband was. Apparently she urged her husband to use it to “punish Saddam” for allegedly plotting to kill George H.W. Bush, an allegation which is not and never was supported by the evidence. That “punishment” included bombing civilian neighborhoods, and killing Layla Al Attar, the very prominent and respected Iraqi artist and painter who designed the mosaic of George H.W. Bush’s face on the floor at the entrance of the five-star hotel Al Rashid in Baghdad – a mere coincidence, I am sure. That bombing also killed Layla’s husband, blinded her daughter, an aspiring artist, in one eye, and killed and maimed an unknown number of their neighbors. Hillary seemed to think that killing civilians was a fine way to respond to a very thin allegation against Saddam.
And her support for the aggression and occupation of Iraq only waned when it became clear during the primary campaign that there was no way she could win the nomination if she did not speak out clearly against it. And even then she tried to blame the Iraqis for the problems until she was booed by her own supporters for doing so.
Hillary would be great in some domestic roles, but I will be very discouraged if she becomes Secratary of State.
Al Giordano has it just right – that the “HRC for SoS” is a freak show – a Hindenburg balloon:
Not gonna happen. Too much baggage yet to be revealed. And the same rationale that nixed the VP slot is still there. We got enough drama.
If Andrea Mitchell was pimping this story any harder, I’d say she was running for an appointment as Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under Hillary.
She was on Maddow’s show last night pimping this HARD and Rachel was falling all over herself in agreement (ugh). She was on Tweety’s show tonight doing the same thing.
You can bet this weekend the full court Village press will be on, and it’s already giving me a headache.
The argument is that since Hillary was “passed over” for VP, if she doesn’t get SecState it will be a “disaster” for Obama.
Indeed, it seems Hillary’s price is about to be paid and the job is hers to refuse.
As Al Goirdano noted, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton – would need to dismantle his Global Initiative – over two hundred million dollars and what about those fees ‘partnerships’ with Guistra, $131 million? They can’t be vetted.
Why would Andrea Mitchell be pimping this story about HRC on Friday evening, on the same day the other Bill, Gov. Bill Richardson was being interviewed for Secretary of State? – a more capable candidate I may add…
TPM provides this link to an NBC affliate –
Still, it would be fun to watch her take orders from the “naive” one.
Senate thorn from his side and putting it under his thumb.
BREAKING UPDATE: Alaska Senate Race
Just leave her where she is.
I think she’ll stay in the Senate and direct Health Care Reform the Legislature. President Clinton’s business dealings would make it difficult for her to Sec. of State, but otherwise I’m neutral..she did campaign for Obama.
I like Bill Richardson, for Sec. of State also.
Richardson would be a great pick.
He did set the record for use of the word “diplomacy” during the primary debates.
Boat building, Arwad Island, Syria.
From Phoenician times to the present boat building has been an important part of island commerce.
Modern church, Lebanon
Ancient stuff, Giza, Egypt
Those boats are cool. Do you have any pictures of the finished ones?
Water taxis like this are built there:
That looks like it beats driving. 🙂
It’s rained so much here in the last few days, I feel like I need a water taxi just to leave the house.
I have just heard confirmation that Obama offered Secretary of State to Hillary. This does not bode well for the Middle East, or, quite frankly, for peace. Between Hillary’s love of military violence as a foreign policy tool, and Obama’s announced plan of enlarging the military and increasing military spending, no one should be encouraged.
I think both the Israel and her neighbors need to sit down and figure out how to live in peace.
The Arab League has repeatedly made to the Israelis the most generous offer they will ever receive – not only peace, but fully normal diplomatic and economic relations. All the Israelis have to do is finally honour their signature on UNSC Resolution 242 – i.e. comply with their own agreements to comply with international law. Repeatedly the Israelis have contemptuously thumbed their noses at this extremely generous offer, refusing to even discuss it. So, you tell ME who it is who does not want peace.
For years Hamas leaders have stated their support for a two-state solution that results in a viable, and fully sovereign Palestinian state, and for years the Israelis have continued to take systematic actions clearly designed to obviate such a solution while whining that they have no Palestinian partner. You tell ME who it is who has no partner.
During the eight-plus years since Israel ended its brutal, 18 year occupation of Lebanon, it has been made perfectly clear that all that is required for peace with Hezballah is for Israel to 1) complete its withdrawal by ceasing its occupation and exploitation of the resources of the Sheb`a Farms region, 2) cease its multiple daily violations of Lebanon’s territory and air space, including its terrorizing (and killing) of Lebanese civilians, 3) release to mine clearing organizations the locations of the thousands of mines it placed in southern Lebanon during its 18 years of occupation. And yet Israel continues to expect the other side to make all the concessions.
For decades Israelis have known that they will never have peace with Syria until and unless they end their absolutely illegal occupation, colonization of sovereign Syrian territory, and illegal exploitation of its natural resources. Bashar Al Asad, and even his less reasonable father before him, have made numerous overtures to the Israelis, which the Israelis have rebuffed. So you tell me who is blocking peace with Syria.
As long as expansion of territory, and being the neighborhood bully mean more to Israel than good relations with the neighbors, there will never be any hope for a peaceful resolution.
You folks just can’t get it through your clouded little brains, can you?
Obama…and no one else who has a legit shot at the presidency in this country…is no more “left” than is Senator Clinton. They are all approved to some greater or lesser degree by the real power in this country.
Big money.
The biggest money.
Someone above says something about the fact that Hillary Clinton is loved by the CIA so that’s a good reason to oppose her ascension to Secretary of State? Give me a BREAK!!! Do you really think that an opponent of the CIA is going to get that post under an Obama presidency? Please. His mama didn’t raise no fools. He’s going to have enough opposition on his hands as it is. Do any of you realize the scope of power that the CIA has accumulated since the 1950s? An essentially unregulated secret police with inside intel regarding the ups and downs of financial matters throughout the world? And potential power of life or death over people on any level of society that really get in their way or in the way of their masters?
The Kennedys and Nixon already made that mistake. Have you learned nothing from the last 50+ years of history?
Obama has.
Bet on it.
In fact…pray for it if you want him to survive and succeed in his presidency.
Let me get this straight. During the whole Plame game bullshit, Hillary Clinton was on the right side of things…as was that portion of the non-monolithic intelligence system that supported Plame (or more accurately, opposed the neo-cons)…but now that “we” have “won”, she and her intel allies are the bad guys again?
That asshole Larry (a.k.a “Ex-CIA”) Johnson? He speaks for that faction of Intel. (At least…he speaks for it on blogworld. His transparent lack of subtlety shows how little they really think of the power of blogtopia.) They have won, Preznit Hillary or not. The Neos are out (or soon will be) no matter how hard CIA Director Hayden squirms to appease the current Obama “Afghanistan is the right war, Iraq the wrong one” line…and the “moderates” are in. (Moderates. Read centrists. Read Obama there while you are at it. JUST like Hillary Clinton only with a more appealing public image and about 80 gazillion less internal connections to the power nexus that is Washington DC and the international power structure in general.)
So flail away, little ones.
Your leftiness world is about 2 degrees closer to the real center of power than it was under Preznit Butch.
No…make that 3 or 4 degrees closer. Just to be kind.
Deal with it.
And while you are at it…prepare to deal with such as Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Colin Powell while you are at it.
‘Cuz that’s what you are about to get.
Bet on it.
P.S. Bill Richardson as Secretary of State?
He might take orders from Obama (At least until a potential new winner began to appear, at which point he would most certainly repeat his recent swim from the Clinton to the Obama camps.) , but where is his real international experience?
He can’t even see Mexico from his house, let alone Russia.
LORD what fools these leftinesses be!!!