I would have settled for being able to get a factory rat job back in the day. I’d be retired by now.
Romney was here today saying that they shouldn’t bail them out. Romney. From Here. Let them go bankrupt. Get rid of the Unions. The workers are the problem.
Really Mitt? Whats your angle in all this?
We ain’t gonna bend over, Mitt.
You & your Amway buddies wanna buy them up, cheap? God know their workers are paid on a glorified Ponzi scheme.
Its never the 100 times the salary upper echelons making the decision to jerk off on the backs of the sweating plebes. Noooooooo.
Blame the auto workers, who have taken pay cut after pay cut, concession after concession and still cannot afford to buy one of the luxury cars they lease, so they can legally be sold as used to Kuwait.
See the market isn’t us, you fools. Its Kuwaitis and Saudis. The cap on what we sell them doesn’t apply to “used”, hence the leases.
Actually, I’m glad.
Close it down, mutha fuckas.
Bring it on!
When 6 million people are out of work, foreclosing on loans, homes and defaulting on taxes, you gonna see backlash like you ain’t ever seen before.
Shock doctrine this, baby.
You may think after a week or two of being hungry, Detroiters and Suburbians will roll over and settle for crumbs.
You ain’t seen nothing yet. The ’68 riots weren’t shit.
See, me and my 9mm brothers…. me and my shotgun wielding redneck cousins… me and my holy rollin’ praise the lord and pass the ammunition sisters will not go quietly into this dark night.
The 68 riots were just part of Detroit.
Now you’re fucking with all of Michigan.
Now you’re fucking with 2/3rds of the World’s fresh water supply.
Bring it. BRING IT!
Michigan may be the most heavily armed State in the Union, and that’s without the unregistered shit, dig? The AKs. The Macks, the 15’s. We got lotsa steel and lots of people. We all hunt. Most of us have looked down a barrel from one end or the other, and not at no deer.
Getting thirsty yet?
We won’t play beggar, bitches. We’ll fuck you up. We’ll take your shit, fuck your dogs and eat your kittens with your finest silver.
We have steel plants. We have oil reserves. We have vast areas of agriculture to grow food and forests to hide in. Hell, Grayling Military base is so easy to get into, I got on it 4 wheel driving, shit faced drunk with a bunch of buddies. By accident. Looked down a cannon barrel that day, but amazing what flashing will do to a bunch of guys on a tank.
I coulda owned that tank.
We control shipping.
BTW, we got a fucking nuclear plant, just fucking upwind from the belly of the beast in Washington.
The weak here are killed and eaten.
You have the money to give rich bankers to go to Spas on holidays, you always find the money for your wars….
and you ain’t got shit for us?
Gonna commit genocide on all us weak kneed liberals and slum dwellers?
Gonna make us a right to work for a nickel state?
Gonna throw all us gun-toting motherfuckers back into the 3rd world dark ages?
Go’head. Wake the beast.
First off, roll up the sidewalks in Grand Rapids.
We know where you and your money comes from. Next?
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.
This will not be a shit storm.
This will be a shit tsunami.
So, you want to be an Automaker?
I thought so.
but it ain’t really over by far.
This is not a threat, but merely a rant of what I think may happen in a worst case scenario.
No actual kittens were eaten on silver in the making of this essay.