Place your bets. How far do you think the US markets will fall today after the failure of the automakers bailout bill? Personally, I’m going for 500 points off the DOW, at a minimum. Stocks on the Nikkei (Japan) and Hang Sen (Hong Kong) indices both dropped over 5.5% last night. And the value of the US Dollar dropped dramatically against the Yen and Euro to its lowest levels in months. Wiping out 3 million potential jobs and creating supply disruptions worldwide can have an effect you know. And all in time for a very Merry Christmas!
By the way, for those of you who think bankruptcy for GM, Chrysler and/or Ford is a viable option (i.e., Chapter 11 reorganization) I have one word for you: financing. Who do you think is going to provide the all necessary debtor-in-possession financing (a/k/a DIP financing) which is an absolute necessity if any Chapter 11 reorganization is going to be allowed to proceed. As a former bankruptcy attorney, I can tell you right now it isn’t coming from the private sector. There isn’t a white knight lender out there willing to make that kind of commitment in our present economic climate. Not without full guarantees from the US government. The funds needed, even over the short term, are too great, and the asset values that would secure this new debt financing would fall too precipitously if the reorganization failed and turned into a liquidation for any private bank or other lender to seriously consider taking on that risk.
Why? Because the value of most of the automaker’s hard assets (e.g., inventory, factories, receivables) are directly tied to the continuation of GM, et alia, as ongoing concerns. Once a manufacturer shuts its doors, the value of its real estate drops dramatically because the structures on that land are primarily there to serve a single use: the manufacture of vehicles, or office space for headquarters and other operations. My guess is that these properties are already leveraged with so much mortgage debt that no lender has any hope of recovering the loan balances. In the midst of a real estate slump, no one will buy those properties except at values roughly one third or less of their “fair market value” as currently listed on the balance sheets of the automakers. The equipment in those factories and buildings would fetch far less, and is also likely mortgaged to the hilt.
Regarding receivables, it is a standard measure that once a firm goes into liquidation, the value of its accounts receivable (money owed to the failed company from its dealers, etc.) would fall by at least 50% in value, and that’s in a period when no recession exists. Under the current conditions existing in the world economy, any lender would be lucky to collect 10% of the stated value of the receivables once the auto companies cease doing business.
As for the inventory (in this case cars, auto parts and the materials to make them) who is going to buy a car from a company that doesn’t exist anymore? With no warranty? With no reliable source of parts after the original ones need replacing? If you answered virtually no one you would be correct. Those vehicles become essentially worthless the moment any company shuts its doors and goes out of business.
So, who would take that chance and provide the billions of dollars necessary to keep GM up and running while it reorganizes? Nobody. Not unless they had another deep pocket to collect from should GM crater. And the only deep pocket available to a lender providing DIP financing in this case is the government. And our government, therough the auspices of Senate Republicans, just told any potential DIP lender that it isn’t a likely option of fulfilling the role of surety in Chapter 11. Hell, they wouldn’t authorize a $15 Billion bridge loan to keep GM and Chrysler up and running until next year. Any lender (and in this case it would have to be a large consortium of lenders) is going to look at that and ask themselves this question: if Congress won’t provide the loan guaranties now to keep GM and Chrysler out of bankruptcy, what makes anyone think they will provide the loan guaranties needed for the vastly larger sums needed to operate GM and Chrysler once they file a Chapter 11 petition? And without a DIP lender lined up before the the Chapter II reorganization is filed, GM and Chrysler are just as likely to go out of business and have their assets liquidated regardless of whether they go the Chapeter 11 route.
And once the inevitable liquidation starts, all the suppliers and dealers who do business with GM and Chrysler (and maybe Ford, too) will find themselves facing bankruptcy or will be forced to go out of business as well. And though smaller, no one will want to lend them the money to reorganize either, not when their biggest customers (or sources of inventory in the case of retail car dealerships) no longer exist. Thus we have a ripple effect across our country. Parts manufacturers go under first. Automobile dealerships tied to American cars go next. Suppliers of steel and other materials needed to manufacture cars also start to become distressed. Job losses mount. Unemployment costs to government skyrocket. Detroit becomes a hollowed out shell of a city. Internal migration out of rust belt states becomes a tidal wave, a mass of internal refugees not seen here since the Dust Bowl era. The rest of the economy, especially the retail and transportation sectors, already reeling, will receive a body blow from which it is unlikely to recover anytime soon. If you think things are bad now, just wait. Killing off the auto industry will forever change the landscape of this nation, and not for the better.
But at least the Republicans in the Senate will have made a point. Stood by the ideological principle that government should not intervene in the free market to help industries in distress (at least, not unless that industry is centered in or around Wall Street). Eliminated one of the most powerful labor unions remaining in the US and one of their chief political adversaries. Not to mention making millions of their fellow citizens suffer untold misery.
Surely a “good act,” as the ancient stoic philosophers might have said. One can only stand in awe of their hubris.
Update [2008-12-12 9:48:51 by Steven D]: Bush may use TARP bailout fund monies to help the Big Three:
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) — The White House says it is considering using the Wall Street rescue fund to prevent U.S. automakers from failing.
President George W. Bush’s press secretary says it would be “irresponsible” to further weaken the economy by letting the Detroit car companies fail. Dana Perino says the White House normally would prefer to let the financial markets determine the companies’ fate.
I’m going to bet the Dow falls more than 900 pts.
The Republicans at this point are willing to destroy what is left of the American economy just to make sure that Obama has a harder (they would prefer impossible) road to success.
What public servants.
It’s not about Obama – at least not directly.
The Republicans are myopic. They see the opportunity to destroy a political enemy and they take it regardless of the damage it does to anyone else. Right now they see a way to kill the unions dead and they’re leaping at the chance. Nevermind the damage it does to the overall economy – dead unions good!
That’s what the push to offshoring has been about all these years – killing unions. They’re not going to pass up the chance to strike a killing blow now when their plans have finally led to this moment. That’s not how they operate.
I have been looking for Big 3 pension information, but I haven’t found anything concrete. Has anyone seen anything about pensions?
Here’s a recent story about GM’s pension fund in the NYT:
Still, G.M. appears to have enough money in the pension fund to pay its more than 400,000 retirees their benefits for many years — even with the markets swooning around it. That is largely because of the conservative way G.M. has managed the fund recently, and it explains why G.M. has not joined the long list of companies pressing Congress for pension relief.
But this glimmer of hope in a bleak auto landscape could change drastically, particularly if G.M. struggles along for a few more years, only to go bankrupt. The company’s blue-collar work force is still building up new benefits with every additional hour worked, and the pension fund will have to grow smartly to keep up with those costs.
If G.M. continues paying people to retire early, the costs will grow even more, because the plan will have to pay retirees for more years than it budgeted. And G.M. is not contributing additional money to the plan right now.
Already, G.M. says it will be paying retirees about $7 billion a year for the next 10 years. The fund’s assets were worth $104 billion at the end of 2007, more than enough to cover its obligations of $85 billion. Since then, the assets have declined and the obligations have grown, each by undisclosed amounts. The company says it does not plan to add any money to the fund for the next three or four years.
Thanks Steven. I hope that the Ford pension is stable, too.
A lot of companies are in pension trouble right now. Hard to know.
But will the Repubs connect the falling stock market to what they did in the Senate yesterday?
By the way, since Toyota et al use many of the same parts suppliers for their factories in the U.S. an industry-wide fail will hurt them too. And with the dollar plunging it won’t just be Wiis costing more, with a lot fewer people in the market to buy.
And dig the irony. It’s the Republicans who want the free market to supply healthcare and pensions. I wonder how many of them would want to put their Social Security in the stock market now.
So what’s the possible outcome? The Chinese Communists may buy GM. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants?
That’s my bet.
They are willing to burn down the house to damage unions and AMERICAN INDUSTRY. It’s amazing.
I think the Dow will drop 750 points.
Doubt it. There will be some sort of announcement that either Paulson or Bernanke will come up with the bread. Then there will be a rally and we’ll be right back where we were.
Steady as she goes, so far. But we’re not even to mid-day. Volatility always seems to rear its ugly head in the last 30-60 minutes of the day.
Economically speaking, with Republicans around, we need no more enemies. Why do they hate America so much?
And, re the stock market, I agree with Brad.
Detroit is already a hollowed out shell of a city. While a very large part of me is fascinated by being able to watch an American City literally collapse another even larger part does not want to fuck up that many lives.
TARP it. Fuck.
Look, there is a lot to be desired in my hometown, but hollowed out, let’s not. There is a growing arts community, a vibrant electronica scene, and some excellent universities in the area. Aside from the stupidity of the Big 3, the thing that has done the most damage to the city is racism. The ultimate demise of Detroit will be violent and ugly.
I have a bad feeling that if the auto industry goes bust, that the tipping point will have been reached for our economy. I already feel like we’re collectively in that scene from the Gold Rush where the house is going over the cliff.
Actually a more productive metaphor is I’m sitting in a Buick, and Toonces the driving cat is at the wheel.
Finally, is ANYONE going to ask Corker and his red-state buddies why they’re so intent on protecting foreign automakers at the expense of american workers?
Auto industry is already bust.
great post! I am wondering whether you heard the UAW press conference. It just ended and the pres of the union kind just laid it out pretty damn clear. The gtooper fools are out to destroy the union. They all represent states that have foreign manufacturing plants and if you just listened to how much these foreign manufacturers got from these states and from the US govt!! OMG!.
All I can say is that this action should be the “call to arms” for the 2010 elections. We should start now! WE MUST GET A 60 VOTE MAJORITY and it shouldn’t be that hard, given the disgrace of these bastards!
So if, in fact, Bush instructs Bernanke to give the auto companies their bridge loan from the TARP money, do we consider that a Democratic WIN since that is what the Dems wanted to do all along but which the White House refused to consider?
Or do we just consider it a convenient turn of events which just, coincidentally, aligns with the Democrats original desire?
If this chain of events plays out, who ends up with the egg on their face?
Depends on how much money eventually gets poured down this rathole.
Those Southern senators have short memories. Tom Walsh details what the Big Three did for the states hit by hurricanes Katrina & Rita not all that long ago.
well, it appears the market…ie: wall street…is rather blasé in their reaction to the senate debacle last night. it seems they’re confident they’ll be covered by the TARP… it ain’t gonna rain on their parade.
but the big financial
crooksplayers continue to fall on hard times…$50 billion ponzi collapses…of course he’ll fight the charges, after all, he “was“a longstanding leader in the financial-services industry with an unblemished record” and would “fight to get through this unfortunate event.”/
unfortunate? karma…it’s a bitch.
offa Obama.
What’s a little graft compared to a total industrial/financial/employment meltdown?
Now Barack can be the good guy again.
Personally, I think that this is the end of the Republican Party if the Dems play their hand right.