Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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A friend of mine was recently discussing what you can do with Citigroup stock since it is priced a tad over a dollar. Well… not much it seems.
It isn’t too far of a stretch to imagine the stock getting delisted soon due to being priced under a dollar a share.
I think it is a market declaration of how worthless Citigroup and its kin truly are. Yes, most stock prices have dropped horribly in price over the months, but one thing the Bush Depression has given us, is a clear view of what is valuable and what is not. Apple and Google are still priced well over $1 per share. Clearly companies that structured their business models around neo-con fantasies aren’t even worth the price of a movie ticket.
citicorp stock, dollars…whatever. this’ll work:
it’s only single ply tho.
Even better idea!
That was my first thought.
In 1923, German Marks had become so devalued that it was cheaper to burn them in a furnace than to use them to buy coal:
That’s what we might end up doing with dollar bills someday if things go really awry..