It’s hard to know how they will react to seeing it reported in Haaretz that Bibi Netanyahu thinks they are ‘self-hating Jews.’ My guess is that David Axelrod will have hurt feelings and Rahm Emanuel will resolve to crush Bibi’s nuts. I find Haaretz to be generally reliable, but the piece carrying the ‘self-hating’ report is a pretty straightforward hit piece. I can’t say that I am certain that Netanyahu made the comment at all. I hope not. On the other hand, I kind of hope that Rahm believes he did say it because it will probably make the administration more determined to take a hard-line on the issue of settlements. I believe only a very hard-line on settlements has any chance of moving the peace process forward.

On another note, if Netanyahu actually thought Obama would or could make his speech at Bar-Ilan University compulsory reading at US schools he must be suffering from some kind of syphilitic brain-fever. He went to Cheltenham High School in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He ought to know that the president of the United States can’t issue edicts about what speeches are taught in our schools.