Have you ever watched a dog chasing a car and wondered what they would do with it if they ever caught it? That’s the problem for conservatives who actually believe in small government. Once they get in power, they realize that lawmakers are elected to do something about the nation’s problems. Federal lawmakers can’t just point to every problem and say that the state legislatures should come up with solutions. So, trust me, the next time the Republicans win control of Congress, they are going to revert to type. They will do the same thing they’ve done the last two times they had power. They’ll run up huge deficits because they’ll still spend gads of money of federal programs but they’ll refuse to pay for them by raising revenues. That is why the teabagger movement is so futile.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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But wouldn’t it be nice to see a bit of this on the left?
I would love to see some well-chosen primary challenges for blue dogs representing recession-ravaged districts that are actually hungry for a card-carrying Liberal, but just don’t know it yet. A good democrat would be educating their district about what they need instead of “listening” to a bunch of confused teabagger types and running away from them scared.
It just seems like this (primary challenges from the left) would scare some sense into some of the corporate dems who claim that their district is just too conservative and use it as their excuse to be corporate whores, rather than doing the right thing for the people who elected them.
Seems like they’re just taking a stand for the Republican Wing of the Republican Party…
dogs that chase cars usually get run over.
when are the demoRATs going to just run over these obstructionist asshats and put this bipartisanship crap to rest?……<crickets>
Personally, the few ‘small government’ folks I know just don’t want to pay taxes — but they’re the first to scream over a crack in the road.