I wonder if anyone can pinpoint the moment when David Broder became a Republican hack. That was definitely not my original impression of him. He was always somewhat reserved in his advocacy, but he tended to advocate for things like greater health care access. I think most people were under the impression that he had liberal leanings, if he had leanings at all. Then, around the time that we started to learn about Monica Lewinsky’s thong underwear, things began to change with this columnist. I know that he wrote that the Clintons were messing up the Village with their hillbilly ways. Maybe that was the moment. Maybe that was just a warning sign. In any case, his work product now sucks. It’s not just that he regurgitates idiotic right-wing talking points. It’s that he makes factual errors and foolish arguments. He needs to retire.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
In Rick Pearlstein’s Nixonland, way back in 1966 you can find him being all gee-wow about the not-yet-candidate Nixon’s not-yet-campaign plane.
So he’s been thinking exactly whatever everyone else is thinking for a long, long time.
Exactly .. Broder has always been a wanker .. just now with blogs and stuff .. more people know about it … and can talk and discuss it .. look at his history much easier
Also Timothy Crouse’s The Boys on the Bus shows that in 1972 “The Dean” was a Villager of the first degree.
So I don’t think that Broder has changed all that much.
I remember back when Iran-Contra was breaking that Broder wrote a column moaning that the country couldn’t withstand another Watergate-style investigation.
As a a former reader of his columns from perhaps the late 1970’s, I don’t ever remember Broder being particularly liberal. Actually, he never made much of an impression on me at all, so I guess he’s been consistently wishy-washy throughout his career. (I canceled my subscription to the WASHINGTON POST a few years ago because of their screwed-up editorial pages, so I don’t read Broder anymore.)